It's Final Order Cut-Off date for almost all (apart from the Marvel) Free Comic Book Day titles this weekend Which is why Bleeding Cool is running as many previews as we can, to help folk plan just what they would fancy on May the 4th, as retailers make their final choices…
And with Riverdale, this is[...]
free comic book day Archives
It's Final Order Cut-Off date for almost all (apart from the Marvel) Free Comic Book Day titles this weekend Which is why Bleeding Cool is running as many previews as we can, to help folk plan just what they would fancy on May the 4th, as retailers make their final choices…
And Udon Entertainment has Street[...]
It's Final Order Cut-Off date for Free Comic Book Day titles this weekend Which is why Bleeding Cool is running as many previews as we can, to help folk plan just what they would fancy on May the 4th, as retailers make their final choices…
And Scout Comics is showing off a lot of upcoming series in[...]
Ian Nichols is writing and drawing the brand new story in The Tick from New England Comics for Free Comic Book Day 2019 And it follows directly on from the 2018 Free Comic Book Day edition I think that's the first time anyone's done that…
(W) Ian Nichols (A) Ian Nichols
The Tick is[...]
With a new Francesco Mattina cover, Image Comics is reprinting Todd McFarlane's Spawn #1 from 1992 for Free Comic Book Day this year.
And the big question… will Lance Gueck get his original 'thanks' credit back? He co-scripted that initial first issue, named Sam and Twitch and edited the drawn pages into some kind of story… and never[...]
Afua Richardson, Mags Visaggio, Jock, Koi Pham, John Cassaday, Vanesa Del Rey, Andrea Mutti, Darick Robertson, Mike McKone and so many more, all under a cover by Yanick Paquette.
Out on May 4th, check other Free Comic Book Day 2019 Previews right here.
(W) Mark Waid, Kwanza Osajyefo, Carla Speed McNeil (A) Philippe Briones (CA)[...]
Marvel has revealed the creative team for its 2019 Free Comic Book Day Avengers comic The book will be written by Jason Aaron and the Gerry Duggan of comics, Gerry Duggan, with art by Stefano Caselli and Mike Deodato In addition, the book will feature a cover by Ed McGuinness, which can be seen below.
Red 5 is publishing a new series for Free Comic Book Day, The Dark Age by Don Dandfield, the co-creator of The Rift, and Rod Thornton.
It will also feature the return of Afterburn in an original short story by Scott Chitwood and Leonardo Rodrigues, which will lead into the debut of a new series ahead[...]
It's FOC for Free Comic Book Day this weekend, which gives us the chance to preview a few of the Free Comic Book Day titles that will be available on May 4th, 2019 Such as Hope from Source Point Press, a brand new superhero and superhero comic from Dirk Manning and K Lynn Smith And[...]
2000 AD didn't get into Free Comic Book Day this year (aside from their Funny Pages title reprinting old IPC humor strips) but, true to form, that doesn't mean they won't gatecrash the party…
In order to capitalize on the popularity of their previous FCBD titles, Rebellion is publishing a 99 pence/99 cent original one-shot out[...]
This said, I think that's a curve ball — this has a lot to do with the above cover but also peels out of the events of this issue, which I'll not reveal.
With Jad, though, issue one introduced his (softly) religiously pious character and his (team's) mission to find the now Jesus-level Donaldson — and[...]
Rod Lamberti of Rodman Comics writes weekly for Bleeding Cool. Find previous columns here.
I held off writing about this year's Free Comic Book Day until afterwards as to not put a damper on the day I was wondering if others had noticed what I believe: that there was not much hype or talk about Free Comic Book Day[...]
This year for Free Comic Book Day, I decided to stay pretty local The weather wasn't looking to be the best for the day, since, well, rain and comics don't mix well I stopped by my local Baltimore County Public Library, Cosmic Comix and Toys, as well as Atomic Books In tow with me was[...]
Vault Comics has issued a consumer alert about the Maxwell's Demons #1 Free Comic Book Day Special, available for free in stores on Saturday, May 5th Though the title was printed with an All-Ages rating, that turns out to be a mistake, as the title is actually rated Teen (13+) The issue, it seems, features[...]
Saturday, May 5th is Free Comic Book Day where comic shops around the world offer up free books from various publishers to help promote the industry Its been going on for quite a few years now, but this is the first in a while that doesn't have a major film opening the same weekend since[...]
Free Comic Book Day is almost here, and if you live in or plan to visit New York City on the weekend of May 5th, the Children's Museum of Manhattan has some fun FCBD activities scheduled On both Saturday and Sunday, you can stop by the museum at 212 W 83rd St to participate in[...]
The hardest part of my writing the first story arc of our book was constructing prose that could convey the horror of what was inflicted upon well over 100,000 people during the period of 1933-1945, while not being so horrific as to compel people to just drop our book, and walk away."
To this end, he has dedicated Mile[...]
Comics Friends Forever is a celebration of comics being published by First Second Comics for Free Comic Book Day 2018 Plus, new graphic novels Brazen, New Shoes, and, Science Comics: Robots & Drones. All of this is brought to you by their March 2018 solicits Details below.
(A) Vera Brosgol & Various (CA) Vera Brosgol
Plus, the first issue is being rereleased for Free Comic Book Day 2018 They are also releasing the new graphic novels From Lone Mountain and Von Spatz More details are below.
FCBD 2018 BERLIN (MR) (C: 1-0-0)
(W/A/CA) Jason Lutes
Drawn & Quarterly presents the first issue of the comics masterpiece twenty years in the making, Berlin by the master cartoonist[...]
The Ghost in the Shell: Global Neural Network is getting a Free Comic Book Day peview Plus, Battle Angel: Alita by Yukito Kishiro is getting a reprint for the first time in over a decade Both are courtesy of Kodansha Comics, featured in their March 2018 solicits Details on those releases and more are below.
Joe Books' Disney Princess: Ariel Spotlight by Paul Benjamin, Amy Mebberson, and more is getting a re-release for Free Comic Book Day 2018 Plus, The Princess and the Frog is getting a one-shot, and Riftworld Legends continues with its second issue Check out the details below.
(W) Paul Benjamin & Various (A) Amy Mebberson & Various (CA) Amy Mebberson
VIZ Media is putting out a My Hero Academia and RWBY comic for Free Comic Book Day 2018 In addition, Golden Kamuy is getting a graphic novel release, and Kaguya-Sama: Love is War and Young Master's Revenge are new series being started in March of 2018 This is in addition to their regular releases of Pokémon, One Punch Man, Boruto, and a[...]
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool ran some Diamond-sourced statistics demonstrating how Free Comic Book Day's numbers were down in 2017 compared to 2016 In terms of comics given away, people attending the event and number of stores even participating.
But it's not the whole picture Diamond also conducted a survey amongst participators which, while self-selecting, the nature of[...]
If you've been following my FCBD exploits, you'll know I went to check out the 110+ person line at Third Eye Comics in Annapolis, MD the night before.
Many, many people went to their local comic store yesterday on Free Comic Book Day, in many causes lining up, waiting, getting into big crowds and struggling to get their hands on some of the free books on offer And it would also seem that some went through all that to get their hands on Marvel's[...]
Today's Free Comic Book Day release of Marvel's Secret Empire title adds a number of additions to the Secret Empire story that could address many of the concerns critics have had with some of the more troubling optics.
Spoilers follow!
As we've mentioned before, the FCBD issue explains why Vision and Wanda Maximoff, AKA Scarlet Witch, a Romani[...]
If you're at Bleeding Cool, then you'll most likely be checking out tomorrow's Free Comic Book Day event at your local comic book shop My local shop, Third Eye Comics in Annapolis, Maryland, always promises to have one of the best events in the state, and every year they really do go above and beyond![...]
Since a certain something leaked, there's been a fair bit of discussion of the final page reveal/image in Secret Empire's Free Comic Book Day issue.
Bear in mind, from here on out, we will be discussing this particular thing, which may be considered a spoiler if you have somehow managed to avoid all discussion of it[...]
Everyone seems obsessed with the Secret Empire section of Marvel's Secret Empire/Spider-Man Free Comic Book Day giveaway because of, you know, what happens at the end.
But there's another aspect to the book, the preview of the new Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man comic by Chip Zdarsky and Paulo Siqueira alongside the release of the[...]
This article contains spoilers for Marvel's Secret Empire Free Comic Book Day special, which will be in stores on May 6.
At the Secret Empire panel at C2E2 last night, a few lucky fans were invited onstage to read Secret Empire FCBD early…
@TheRyanMacLean You're gonna be so salty about the Free Comic Book Day issue of[...]