Hidden Figures will be coming to the stage Disney Theatrical Productions is behind the show, based on the non-fiction books by Margot Lee Shetterly's novel about the contributions of Black female mathematicians in the NASA space race in the 1960's The book was also turned into a feature film a couple of years ago Taraji[...]
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In what may be the most faith-in-humanity-restoring news today, we may be getting a TV show based on Hidden Figures I caution the maybe, because "in development" doesn't mean absolutely happening, right? So, cautiously optimistic.
It was announced today that NatGeo (the National Geographic Channel) is in the extremely early stages of developing a new television series[...]
Mattel releases new lines of Inspiring Women and Sheroes Barbie ahead of International Women's Day including Ava DuVernay, Patty Jenkins, and Katherine Johnson.
With that said, the tidal wave continued on Wednesday with FX's announcement that it would be developing popular podcast Crimetown for series.
Podcast hosts/creators Marc Smerling and Zac Stuart-Pontier (HBO's The Jinx) have been tapped to write the script; with Ted Melfi (Hidden Figures) expected to direct, and serve as executive producer alongside Nina Jacobson and Brad[...]
LEGO Ideas is the user-generated site that allows people to create future LEGO sets and have people vote on them to become actual LEGO released sets. This
Hidden Figures tells the fascinating story of three women who have been overlooked by history with great performances and an easy going confidence that their material is worth it.
Title: Hidden Figures
Director: Theodore Melfi
Summary: Based on a true story A team of African-American women provide NASA with important mathematical data needed to launch the program's first[...]
Hidden Figures is film that's actually damned good, and it deserves all the attention that it's going to receive.
The film is about three friends – Mary Jackson (played by Janelle Moane), Katherine Johnson (Taraji P Henson), and Dorathy Vaughan (Octavia Spencer) All brilliant minds working at NASA during the early days of the American space[...]