Today is C-Day for Avatar Press' series Crossed, and today Kieron Gillen's 75th issue of the series arrives with art by Rafa Ortiz, kicking off a new arc of Crossed: Badlands called Homo Tortor running for 6 issues.
The first issue is described thus:
Crossed C-Day 2015 is here! And to celebrate the event, superstar writer Kieron Gillen[...]
homo tortor Archives
Homo Tortor.
Crossed C-Day 2015 is here! And to celebrate the event, superstar writer Kieron Gillen (Uber, Wicked & Devine) is launching a new story arc that will take the horrors of the Crossed back to the ancient past! 75,000 years ago was the closest humanity has ever came to being purged from the Earth There[...]