Ice-Pick Lodge Archives

Pathologic 3: Quarantine Announced With New Trailer
Indie game developer Ice-Pick Lodge and publisher HypeTrain Digital revealed their latest title, Pathologic 3: Quarantine, with a new trailer This is a totally free prologue to the main game, as you discover how the plague broke out in the small town through this narrative-driven adventure We have the trailer and details here as this[...]
The Bizarre "Pathologic 2" is Bringing its Strange Thrills to Xbox One
Credit: tinyBuild Games Ice-Pick Lodge's terrifying Pathologic 2 is a game that really has to be experienced to be believed If you missed it when it first debuted on PC, you'll have the perfect opportunity to check it out on Xbox One, thanks to Xbox Game Pass, next month. Pathologic 2 will be added to Xbox Game[...]
Pathological 2 Releases a Demo Prior To May Release
The narrative-driven survival thriller from Ice-Pick Lodge will set you in a town being consumed by a deadly plague, as you have to deal with the idea of watching a society collapse while making horrible choices that never seem to have a win Check out the video below as you can try out the demo[...]