Sonic the Hedgehog 3, directed by Jeff Fowler and produced by Neal H Moritz, Toby Ascher, and Toru Nakahara, is finally gearing up for its official release this month — promising to generate even more excitement and adventure as it brings back several returning characters alongside a slew of new fan-favorite additions from the game.
Jeff Fowler Archives
The studio will trust Jeff Fowler, who came off the successful live-action hybrid Sonic The Hedgehog for Paramount, to direct, according to Deadline Hollywood Chris Bremner (Bad Boys for Life (2020) will provide the screenplay.
The Pink Panther short – "Slink Pink." Image courtesy of MGM via YouTube
Lawrence Mirisch, Julie Andrews Edwards, Dan Lin, and Jonathan Eirich[...]
Director Jeff Fowler apologized on social media May 2nd promising improvement for fans.
Thank you for the support And the criticism The message is loud and clear… you aren't happy with the design & you want changes It's going to happen Everyone at Paramount & Sega are fully committed to making this character the BEST he[...]