All today, websites have been putting up bits and bobs from Entertainment Weekly's piece on Marvel NOW! relaunch. Bleeding Cool have had parts of them
john cassaday Archives
Never say Bleeding Cool doesn't own up to its errors… We ran the rumour that Rick Remender and Jerome Opena were launching the comic Uncanny Avengers for the Marvel NOW! Relaunch.
Well, according to MTV's report, it seems that John Cassaday is returning full time to comics to draw the book And Jerome Opena is, in[...]
He has adapted many a film in novel form, and novels to comics, specifically Stephen King's Dark Tower, and is a successful novelist and a comic book writer in his own right.
But now he's doing the adaptation thing to the Joss Whedon/John Cassaday run on Astonishing X-Men, turning the run into a series of novels,[...]
THE SHADOW is back, hitting stores and bad guys starting in April 2012. Garth Ennis (insert ten million awesome credentials here) is at the helm, and he
John Cassaday announced to the live audience of the 200th Comic News Insider podcast that the long awaited final epilogue issue of the superhero archeology series Planetary would be published in October.
Planetary 1 shipped in early 1999, with an intended bi-monthly schedule, but personal and professional issues caused the book to go on hiatus, with[...]