Can you imagine? A fierce, politically progressive, frightening smart, gay woman approaching DC editors Julie Schwartz and Mort Weisinger in their office and presenting her take on the character? Those editors? Hardly.
The "bastions of feminist thinking" turned her down As a result, Wonder Woman became the tamer, sexist version that mooned for marriage to Steve[...]
julie schwartz Archives
At the DC Comics co-publisher "Sunday Conversation" panel at WonderCon today, Dan DiDio shared a story with Jimmy Palmiotti and Scott Snyder about advice he received from legendary DC Comics editor, the late Julie Schwartz That "every ten years, you gotta give the universe an enema."
Longtime colleague and Harley Quinn writer Jimmy Palmiotti asked why they[...]
Jackie Estrada began helping to put on the San Diego Comic Con in the seventies, and currently administers the Eisners Awards, as well as co-publisher of