Jurassic World: The Legacy of Isla Nublar Archives

We Tried Out Jurassic World: The Legacy Of Isla Nublar
Recently we had a cool opportunity come our way as we got to try out Funko Games' latest game, Jurassic World: The Legacy Of Isla Nublar Funko Games was kind enough to bring us out to Los Angeles a few weeks ago where we say down and played a copy of the game We were[...]
Jurassic World: Legacy Of Isla Nublar Will Launch Kickstarter In March
Funko Games and Prospero Hall have released a new making-of video for Jurassic World: The Legacy Of Isla Nublar The video has several designers for the game sit down and discuss the work that went into making this game, from the design of the map to the inserts and pamphlets to the dinosaur figures you[...]
Jurassic World: Legacy Of Isla Nublar Will Launch Kickstarter In March
Game developer Prospero Hall released a brand new video this week going over Jurassic World: The Legacy Of Isla Nublar The company is currently working with Funko Games to produce this extensive legacy title that takes you across all of the films from the original 1993 blockbuster all the way to the most recent titles[...]