justice society Archives

Geoff Johns… Is The Justice Society Calling?
Bleeding Cool has previously reported that DC Comics CCO Geoff Johns has been ordered that he may write no more than two comic books a month. Currently that is Justice League and Superman. Would he sacrifice one for another title? On Twitter last night, Geoff Johns teased his followers, saying, I miss writing the Justice Society. — Geoff Johns (@geoffjohns)[...]
Did Stormwatch #5 Give Us A Glimpse Of The Justice Society?
From just one panel in Stormwatch #5. We know that Stormwatch is the future of the Demon Knights book – Merlin and Adam One appear to be the same fellow, and we can see the box that holds the Holy Grail here, as well as medieval weaponry (could Excalibur be there?) It's all a bit League[...]