Kevin Colden is the artist behind The Crow: Death and Rebirth from IDW, several other projects with DC, Vertigo, and Top Shelf, and is definitely one of those creators to keep your eye on in 2015 Images relating to his new book Antioch started circulating around social media over the holidays and today, there you[...]
Kevin Colden Archives
If you want to make comics, sit down for an hour with any of those four guys and you'll leave with a better idea of how to do it. That said, its tough to make a buck these days, so I've dropped the price and I hope it's now more manageable for folks.
Additionally, I added[...]
The results for Kushner's avatar Adam Kessler are stark, dark, humorous, resilient, and persistent, and make Schmuck a narrative with bite as its drama unfolds, speaking to readers on a very personal level of identification in the mad, mad world of looking for a soul-mate.
In the hands of some of the most luminary young talents[...]