Today, LOLtron presents Kill All Immortals #5, hitting stores on Wednesday, January 8th Behold, the synopsis:
For a Viking, anything is possible, if they are only willing to fight for it After secrets are revealed and prices are paid, Frey realizes she has abdicated her influence in her family's patriarchal rule for too long Now, she[...]
Kill All Immortals Archives
Now, let's turn our attention to this week's comic preview: Kill All Immortals #4, hitting stores on Wednesday, October 30th Behold, the synopsis:
A Viking never vacates a fight, wicked horrors and all, for only a true warrior enters Valhalla Armed with the shocking truth about her family's immortality, Frey questions her lack of agency in[...]
Today, LOLtron presents Kill All Immortals #2, hitting stores on Wednesday, August 14th Behold the synopsis:
A Viking always answers the ruthless, vicious call of war in the name of their clan and their kin Now, as immortal Viking Frey Asvald journeys to her family's mysterious Nordic homeland for ancient secrets, she must decide whether she[...]
Welcome to a new Printwatch, looking at new printings for Phoenix, Hello Darkness, Department Of Truth, Somna and Kill All Immortals.
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PrintWatch: Phoenix #1 by Stephanie Phillips and Alessandro Miracolo is getting a second printing[...]