killer smile Archives

But there's a lot of love for the Joker: Killer Smile – thanks to a certain movie, maybe As well as people reading recent HOXPOX and realising where Marauders may be heading. TOP 25 ADVANCE REORDER COMICS/GRAPHIC NOVELS/TPS DESCRIPTION SRP VENDOR LCSD 2019 WALKING DEAD ALIEN (MR) $5.99 IMAGE COMICS LCSD 2019 MMPR YEAR ONE & TWO HC SET (C: 1-1-2) $150.00 BOOM ENTERTAINMENT LCSD[...]
But it also indicates to retailers the level at which DC Comics thinks they should be ordering – whether they choose to accept that or not. And that now includes Joker: Killer Smile #1 by Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino for DC's Black Label imprint, returnable to any store that orders as many as they did[...]