Liquid Media Group Archives

New Announcement Teases Acclaim Games Revival In Two Weeks
Over the years people have purchased bits and pieces of those titles from Throwback, including Liquid Media Group in 2018, which bought up a lot of the sports titles like NBA Jam and All-Star Baseball So at the moment, a lot of what used to be Acclaim is split between two different entities and a[...]
Liquid Media Signs New Distribution Deal With Atari
Liquid Media Group announced today they have signed a brand new distribution agreement with Atari revolving around their new console According to the brief tidbits presented about the deal, it will bring SlipStream, Liquid's video-on-demand distribution platform, to the Atari VCS as a downloadable app for people to view content through the console SlipStream primarily[...]
Liquid Media Group's $4.0 Million Dollar Direct Offering Deal
Earlier today, Liquid Media Group announced they had partnered with Polycade to release a series of retro video games According to the announcement, the agreement will be to have all of Liquid's retro gaming titles made available for the Polycade Game Store launching this fall Liquid's retro games will also be available via the company's commercial models,[...]
Liquid Media Group's $4.0 Million Dollar Direct Offering Deal
Liquid Media Group Ltd has announced that they have entered into an agreement with several institutional and accredited investors for the sale of 2,666,668 of its common shares, with each share being priced at $1.50 per share They have also agreed to issue investors unregistered warrants for purchase, to an aggregate of 1,333,334 of common[...]