Welcome to Bring Out Your Dead!: Bleeding Cool’s The Walking Dead LIVE-BLOG!, as we look at tonight’s sixth episode, ‘The King, the Widow, and Rick.’
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Thanks for joining us for Bring Out Your Dead!: Bleeding Cool’s The Walking Dead LIVE-BLOG!, as we take a look at tonight’s fifth episode 'The Big Scary U.'
Definitely not looking to have angry fellow geeks outside my apartment with pitchforks and torches because I slacked off on the spoiler warnings.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-J3cJfE8hUVideo can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: The Walking Dead Season 8, Episode 4 ('Some Guy') Recap: "And Yet I Smile" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-J3cJfE8hU)
You can take a look back at last Sunday's live blog of 'Some[...]
Welcome to ‘Cult’ Following E11: American Horror Story – "Great Again," Bleeding Cool’s live-blog play-by-play of Tuesday night’s season finale on FX.
Thanks for joining us for Bring Out Your Dead! 804: Bleeding Cool’s The Walking Dead LIVE-BLOG!, of tonight’s fourth episode of Season 8, “Some Guy.".
Welcome to ‘Cult’ Following E10: American Horror Story – ‘Charles (Manson) in Charge,’ Bleeding Cool’s live-blog play-by-play of Tuesday night’s episode.
Definitely not looking to have angry fellow geeks outside my apartment with pitchforks and torches because I slacked off on the spoiler warnings.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1f7eYTaBDEVideo can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: The Walking Dead S08E02 Recap: 'Fake It Till You Make It, Baby' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1f7eYTaBDE)
You can take a look back at last Sunday's live blog of 'The Damned' by[...]
Welcome to ‘Cult’ Following E09: American Horror Story-‘Drink the Kool-Aid,’ Bleeding Cool’s live-blog play-by-play of Tuesday night’s ninth episode on FX.
Welcome to Bleeding Cool’s weekly recap of American Horror Story: Cult, heading into the final episodes with anEpisode 8: ‘Winter of Our Discontent' recap.
Thanks for being a part of "All Out 'Dead': Bleeding Cool's 'The Walking Dead' Season 8 Live-Blog!," as we see what's ahead with the show's 100th episode.
We'll be offering you thoughts, opinions, insights, one-liners, possibly dirty limericks and the occasional non-sequitur over the course of five hours (?!?!?!?).
Yup, that's right! We'll be kicking-off festivities at 8 pm ET with a pre-live blog to get everyone psyched; then things get underway at 9 pm ET with our live blog of The Walking[...]
Welcome to 'Cult' Following E07: American Horror Story-"Valerie Solanas...", Bleeding Cool’s live-blog coverage of FX’s seventh episode.
Welcome to Cult Following: American Horror Story: Cult E06 – ‘Mid-Western Assassin’, Bleeding Cool’s live-blog play-by-play of the show’s sixth episode.
Tonight we'll be live blogging about tonight's episode of The Walking Dead at 6 p.m PST / 9 p.m EST This will be during the initial West Coast broadcast, so we'll be watching and chatting about it as it airs After the episode completes, the hour's worth of chatter in all it's glory will still[...]
The hard working men and women of Bleeding Cool are all over the New York Comic Con this weekend covering panels, events and getting interviews and a good number of them are live blogging as they go We have all of our live blogs here. This is the eyes and ears of BC and you can follow[...]