
Warnament To Launch Free Demo During Steam Next Fest
Indie game developer and publisher will release a free demo for their new game Warnament during Steam Next Fest today The game is a turn-based strategy title about warfare, specifically about utilizing what resources you have to conquer territories and expand your own country's territory But it isn't as cut-and-dry as conquering lands, as[...]
Craftomation 101
Indie developer and publisher announced that they will be keeping a demo of Craftomation 101 up throughout November If you haven't had a chance to check this one out yet, the game will have you stuck on a frozen planet in which you will need to find a way to survive because your rescue[...]
Learning Factory Will Be Coming To Early Access February 18th
Nival and developer revealed that Learning Factory will be making its way to Steam's Early Access on February 18th This is one of those games we've been scoping out for a bit because it looks fun and is also a bit cuddly It is essentially a factory automation sim where you learn about machines[...]