martha kent Archives

The Bad-Assery Of Martha Kent In Fire & Ice #6 (Spoilers)
Martha Kent going all badass… Turns out that Superman's adoptive mother is quite handy with a scalpel But it seems not a whisk, not these days anyway… thinsg seem to have changed for everyone. So she can shiv a stranger who invades her home, but baking a cake to hide the knife in? That's totally beyond Martha[...]
Will Doomsday Clock #12 Bring Back Ma and Pa Kent to Superman? (Spoilers)
I can't even say for sure whose idea it was, what's that going to be, what's it going to be for Ma and Pa Kent?" Originally Clark Kent's adoptive parents, Jonathan and Martha Kent, died when he was young, shortly after his graduation. In the post-Crisis reboot by John Byrne, his parents were de-aged and were alive[...]