One of the best sets in the Marvel's Daredevil series has to be Melvin Potter's workshop Not only is it where Daredevil gets his costume and equipment upgrades, but it's also where we get to see Melvin creating his Gladiator costume over time and we keep seeing the Stiltman armor in the background I so[...]
Melvin Potter Archives
But they built it up well, between the rude comments by Claire Temple to the introduction of Melvin Potter, we all knew where it was going to lead… now the official Daredevil twitter account has tweeted out an image of the suit in a box with the line "The suit makes the man"[...]
The latest two focus on things we saw in the first season… or are they teases for season 2? The campaign ads for Bill Fisk and the blood are obviously part of the Kingpin's origin… but the look at Melvin Potter's saw blade could be a hint that The Gladiator is coming.
Potter appeared in three[...]