Justin Roiland and Mike McMahn's (Rick and Morty) animated sci-fi/comedy series Solar Opposites has officially crash-landed onto Hulu, which means Korvo (Roiland), Terry (Thomas Middleditch), Yumyulack (Sean Giambrone), and Jesse (Mary Mack) are doing their damndest to either save or sacrifice our round mound of brown otherwise known as Earth Now in the interest of[...]
Mike McMahn Archives
Leave it to Rick and Morty duo Justin Roiland and Mike McMahn to find a very cool and unique way to promote their upcoming animated sci-fi/comedy series Solar Opposites With their flight coordinates scheduling them to land on Hulu on May 8th, director/actor/geek ambassador Kevin Smith is giving our new friends from the planet Shlorp[...]
As psyched as we're sure they are for tonight's midseason return, Rick and Morty duo Justin Roiland and Mike McMahn have more than just the hugely popular Adult Swim series going for them In less than a week, Roiland and McMahn's animated sci-fi/comedy series Solar Opposites crash lands on Hulu (starting May 8th) so there's still[...]
Rick and Morty duo Justin Roiland and Mike McMahn have been going above and beyond to make sure that every one of us knows their upcoming animated sci-fi/comedy series Solar Opposites crash lands on Hulu a week from this Friday (on May 8, for those too busy to do the math) But that doesn't mean[...]