The controversial live-action Black Jesus, and the animated series Mike Tyson Mysteries and Mr Pickles This goes with their expansion into the 8 p.m time slot that has come with a focus on original programming.
The renewals for the first two seemed obvious, Mike Tyson Mysteries has the draw of the former boxer's name and voice[...]
Mike Tyson Mysteries Archives
Matt Lambros writes for Bleeding Cool: The “Mike Tyson’s Mysteries” panel opened with a clip show from the first season. The show stars Tyson as a cartoon
Will Romine writes for Bleeding Cool:
Mike Tyson Mysteries Let that sink in for a moment If you're overcome with a sense of confusion and giddiness, don't be alarmed It's is a perfectly rational response to a concept this outlandish I attended the panel and press round table yesterday Forget Avengers 2 and Batman v Superman[...]