Today, we continue our journey with two of the cutest Pokémon ever created: Plusle and Minun.
Celestial Storm cards Credit: Pokémon TCG
Plusle: With vibrant colors and bold linework, Kanako Eo does what every Plusle card artist should do, and that is to make sure not to separate Pokémon's most dynamic duo! Of all the Pika-clones we see[...]
Minun Archives
Tonight is Minun Spotlight Hour in Pokémon GO Tonight, Tuesday, January 25th from 6 PM – 7 PM, this tiny little sparky critter will be appearing in the game with increased frequency Minun will also be responding more to Incense and even popping up in spawn points on the map where Pokémon don't usually show up[...]
Up until now, the two Pokémon known as Minun and Plusle have been region-locked, specifically where you could only find each one in specific regions of the world Minun was only available in Asia, Australia, and Europe; while Plusle was regulated to Africa, North America, and South America Literally dividing the world in half, so to[...]