miracleman Archives

Miracleman #9 Ignores Rick Veitch's Colouring Instructions (But Only Of 1987)
UPDATE: As Stewart Lee says, "you can prove anything with facts". Rick Veitch gets in touch regarding the piece below, saying "Please update your post about Marvel ignoring my 1987 coloring instructions to reflect that I had complete approval of Marvel's new coloring. And that I think the new version looks fantastic too." Which makes all of the[...]
In One Week, In Two Weeks – Miracleman Birth-In-A-Bag
Launching next week are Genius, Imperial and Nightworld from Image, Strangers In Paradise Kids #1, Terminal Hero and Sixth Gun: Day Of The Dead#1, the Miracleman birth issue and the end of Kick Ass And the week after? We find out what happened to Mr Fantastic's testicles in Ultimate FF #6. So what will you be[...]
Here Comes Miracleman #9. Again.
Here are the pencils from Rick Veitch for the new cover for Miracleman #9, the birth issue, out next month from Marvel Comics. The retailer warning for the comic now reads "Miracleman #9 – GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING Please note that the upcoming Miracleman #9 contains graphic content, including a detailed scene of childbirth." This is how they did it[...]
47 Thoughts About 47 Comics – Moon Knight, Uber, Nailbiter, Extinction Parade, The Shadow, Black Kiss, Satellite Sam,The Woods, Doctor Spektor, Deadpool Vs X-Force, Caliban, Rocket Raccoon, Starlord, Fantastic Four 100th, Futures End, Batman Eternal, Action Comics, Green Lantern, Justice League 3000, Batman/Superman, Batwing, Thief Of Thieves, Won Ton Soup, Witchblade, Angel & Faith, Miracleman, Archer Coe, The Victories, Elephantmen, Twilight Zone, White Suits, Suicide Risk, The Woods, Splinter Cell, Southern Bastards, Star Mage, Garfield, Dexter's Lab, Big Trouble In Little China, Black Bat, Morning Glories, Robocop, Six Million Dollar Man, Vampirella, Indestructible And Lazarus
Talking of which… Old editorial pages of Miracleman with Cat Yronwode are rewritten with a clunkier credit Here's how it originally looked… with the Eclipse plug for the New Wave titles, now removed.   There are a lot of cats around today it seems Archer Coe gives me a great idea for a hypnotism act[...]
Marvel Comics Ups The Warnings On Miracleman #9
Often Marvel Comics This is how it was solicited. MIRACLEMAN #9 THE ORIGINAL WRITER (W) • RICK VEITCH (A/C) Variant Cover by DAVE MARQUEZ Variant Cover by PAUL RENAUD Variant Cover by ADI Granov • The battle with Gargunza has ended. • The birth of Miracleman and Liz Moran's baby! • And a shocking surprise ending in this groundbreaking issue! • Including material originally presented[...]
Talking Miracleman With Neil Gaiman, Joe Quesada And Axel Alonso
To coincide with the release of a certain Miracleman Book 1: A Dream of Flying collection… [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWv4j6dp81A[/youtube] To coincide with the release of a certain Miracleman Book 1: A Dream of Flying collection… [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWv4j6dp81A[/youtube] [...]
Tweeting About The Miracleman Cinema Ad
On Saturday, Bleeding Cool told you that Marvel would be advertising Miracleman in cinemas over Memorial Weekend. And so it came to pass, with viewers reporting screenings before Godzilla and X-Men: Days Of Future Past and an ad for this week's collection Miracleman Book 1: A Dream of Flying.  Four issues collected for $30 Hmm[...]
Miracleman Ads To Run In Cinemas From Tonight
In cinemas in the US over Memorial Day weekend, Bleeding Cool has been told that Marvel Comics will be running ads for the Miracleman comic book. The ad will run in  365 cinemas, before PG-13 films, and Marvel have told retailers that it is expected to be viewed by two-and-a-half million people It will run approximately[...]
Marvel Stop Publishing Mass Market Miracleman Digital Editions
Reading this scene in this week's Miracleman #5, sealed inside a bag as we warned you about, I wondered how it was going to have to be neutered for the digital mass market version. Marvel have sold two versions, of the digital comic, a Mass Marvel version on its own digital app and store, with "bottoms[...]
Marvel To Pre-Seal Miracleman In Bags Before Sending To Comic Stores
When the original Miracleman #9 by Alan Moore and Rick Veitch was published, it was rather controversial Steve Geppi of Diamond Comic Distributors wrote in response, Diamond values its retailers too much to take chances on such a dangerous situation… We are not censors We no more want someone deciding for us than you do[...]
When Miracleman Was Meant To Be In Original Sin
(UPDATED with a better version) Do note that the appearance of Miracleman, top left in the original, as one of the many appearances seen by The Watcher has now been changed to some anonymous dude. Awww….. Comics courtesy of a friendly American retailer… ORIGINAL SIN #0 MARVEL COMICS FEB140657 (W) Mark Waid (A) Paco Medina, Mark Morales, Guillermo Ortego, Dave Meikis, Juan[...]
FOOL: Marvel To Relaunch Miracleman For Marvel NOW!
I understand Marvel Comics, disappointed with sales on the Miracleman republishing project have decided to relaunch the book as an All-New Marvel NOW! title Which means a new issue 1 in July, just in time for the "birth" issue that caused such controversy on its initial publication. As to how they will get around the issues[...]
The Print Version Of Miracleman Is Censored Over The N-Word
What's a publisher to do? Marvel is reprinting Marvelman/Miracleman but some readers are familiar with different prints Take this scene from Miracleman #4, out this week. A few folk shouted foul: why had Big Ben replaced Garguanza? Was it down to the Fu Manchu reference? From the Miracleman 3D Special… But no, when Eclipse published the Miracleman[...]
Bananaman – Or Miracleman?
Kev F Sutherland is a stand up comedian, comedy show producer, sock puppeteer, comic book writer/artist and educator. When the London UKCACs came to an
Miracleman #4 To Include Marvelman Summer Special And Warpsmith Stories From A1
It was also a device for publisher Dez Skinn to launch his own series, Big Ben – The Man With No Time For Crime. Shortly afterwards, Marvel UK would begin reprinting Marvel US's Thing series, retitled Big Ben, as a deliberate snub to Skinn. The Special was reprinted by Eclipse as Miracleman 3D Special, with the colouring[...]
Look, Up In The Sky, Is It A Bird, Is It A Plane, No It's Superflick…
From the new Miracleman #2… Thank goodness for modern printing production quality I wonder how "Superflick" looked when it was originally printed? From the new Miracleman #2… Thank goodness for modern printing production quality I wonder how "Superflick" looked when it was originally printed? From the new Miracleman #2… Thank goodness for modern printing production[...]
Is That Miracleman… Or Randy Orton?
  Here's the Miracleman #3 cover by JG Jones.And here is wrestler Randy Orton doing his trademark pose. A little miracle referencing at work? Here are more covers and a look at the next Miracleman issue…   Here's the Miracleman #3 cover by JG Jones.And here is wrestler Randy Orton doing his trademark pose. A little[...]
The Marvelman Story Never Reprinted Until Today
With Miracleman #2. Eclipse Comics missed it out, and it was never included in the collections either With art by Paul Neary, Alan Davis (his first work on the character) and Steve Dillon, we see a glimpse of what was planned. It's not presented in the order it was originally published, the interlude comes at the end[...]
Liz Moran's Knickers Doomed Miracleman Free Digital Edition
So, yes, there are two digital versions of Miracleman #1 from Marvel on ComiXology A Mass Market version and a Parental Advisory version The first is for a 17 + audience for "for strong language and content" as if strong language wasn't content But the only difference I can tell is that in one of[...]
Liz Moran Wears Knickers In Miracleman – But Only In The Digital Version
Marvelman/Miracleman has a history of people trying to sensor various bits and pieces, as it challenged a variety of social mores over sex, nudity and violence Miracleman #9, featuring a graphic depiction of childbirth taken from childbirth books, saw Steve Geppi of Diamond Comic Distributors ban the comic, saying, Diamond values its retailers too much to[...]
Live Blogging The Garry Leach Miracleman #1 Signing
Here we are, live at the Orbital Comics signing for Miracleman #1, published today, from Marvel Comics… updates as they come in. We are all awaiting the great man… Ten to fifteen minutes late, apparently. At the Will Simpson event here last week, Steve Cook recalled Garry Leach's birthday party in 1983 in which Garry spend the[...]
Why Miracleman Matters, Thirty Years On
This morning I talked to a shop assistant at Orbital Comics who was reading Miracleman for the first time. Because, today sees the publication of Miracleman #1, by Alan Moore and Garry Leach Originally published as Marvelman in the pages of Warrior Magazine, it was a revival of the believed-abandoned British ripoff of Captain Marvel from[...]
A Comic Show – When You Leave Your Copy Of Miracleman in The Store Bathroom
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxGISfvrFvw[/youtube] Aaron Haaland of A Comic Shop in Orlando, Florida, writes, Hey Fandom! I'm back with more new comics now! This week has some Marvels of note, Justice League 3000, and X-Files Conspiracy among others. First, let me just get it out there, and apologize for not covering Miracleman in the video[...]
Things To Do In London This Week If You Like Comics – Miracleman And Numbercruncher
Wednesday 15th January Orbital Comics: Miracleman #1 signing with artist/co-writer Garry Leach, from 5pm. And from 6pm… Si Spurrier signing Numbercruncher at Forbidden Planet. Thursday 16th Creating a Graphic Novel (six week course run by Simone Lia) begins 57 Arts, 57 Loampit Hill London SE13 7SZ. This practical and informal course is for anyone who would like to explore their[...]
A Few More Marvel Ch-Ch-Changes – Miracleman To Superior Spider-Man
Because a change is as good as a rest., Which means these comics are very well rested indeed! Indestructible Hulk #18.INH will have art by Jhermey Raapack as well as the previously solicited Miguel Angel Sepulveda. Miracleman #2, instead of containing material from Marvelman Primer 2010, will now feature with the first appearance of Kid Marvelman from[...]