music Archives

The Super-Effective Pokémon Symphonic Evolutions Experience
By Adam Tyler Wolfe [youtube][/youtube] On June 6th at the theater in Madison Square Garden, a packed house of young and old gathered to enjoy the music from one of the most successful game series of all time Pokémon Symphonic Evolutions takes the audience through a tour of time, covering at least three tracks from every single[...]
Grant Morrison Appears In Akira The Don's New Music Video For Killer (UPDATE)
We have covered his musical influenced work many a time on Bleeding Cool But this time in a cover of Adamski's Killer (popularised by Seal), the debut music video from his project as Midnitemen we see a certain Grant Morrison…. Los Angeles based DJ Production duo MIDNITEMEN release their debut music video KILLER today, a neon[...]
Geek Celtic Band The Stubby Shillelaghs Kickstart A New Album: Critical Fail
The album will continue the band's long-standing tradition of Celtic music with themes from some of the most popular science fiction and fantasy franchises in recent history, including Star Wars, Star Trek, Batman, The Avengers, and more.  Critical Fail will explore fandoms, and blend a comic mixture of content that will surely please fans. This will[...]
Bioshock Infinite's Scott Bradlee And The Postmodern Jukebox Play Madrid
It was Scott Bradlee's first time in Madrid and… Sold out! It was a freezing Monday but it was completely sold out and packed. For those who don't know anything about the band, you must to know that before working in the New York Jazz Scene, Bradlee began to translate popular music into his style[...]
John Carpenter's Album Lost Themes Is A Haunting, Rocking Journey
By Dylan Gonzalez "I can play just about any keyboard but I can't read or write a note." -John Carpenter At this point in his career, John Carpenter has to have developed a firm grasp on the ability to write and create music When I first started delving into Carpenter's filmography, I was surprised to see he was[...]
SCORE: A Film Music Documentary Heads To Kickstarter
By Matt Schrader TITLE: SCORE: A Film Music Documentary CREATORS: Director Matt Schrader, Executive Producer Trevor Thompson, Director of Photography Kenny Holmes, Producers Nate Gold and Jonathan Willbanks, associate producer Crystal Chavarria. CAMPAIGN END DATE: MARCH 16 PUBLISH DATE: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16 Score to tell the stories behind the world's most beloved music Fundraising for the film music documentary kicks off[...]
The SML Podcast – MAGFesting With A Multitude Of MAG Musicians

By Joe Cammisa [audio:] Monday night is here and it's time for The SML Podcast Episode 103: MAGFest SausageFest Room Party, here on Bleeding Cool! Absolutely INSANE show this week as we are LIVE at MAGFest 13 with a room packed full of awesome musicians who are hanging in in various degrees of inebriation! Included in this week's lineup[...]
Eric Stephenson Writes Manic Street X-Men
They appreciate art, music, literature, and have built a haven dedicated to this, not the Westchester school of learning and danger rooms but one of almost hedonistic appreciation of the finer aspects of life. They're Not Like Us also works as a designed object of art in itself, no ads, no introductions, the front cover is[...]
Getting Awesome On Record Store Day
By Christopher Helton Sometimes I am a poor comic geek, but most of the time I am an excellent music geek There are a few record stores (yes, they're still around) in the St Petersburg, FL area, but this morning I found myself waiting in the (relative) cold waiting for Daddy Kool Records to open[...]
The SML Podcast – The Insanity After A MAGFest Event Happens Live

It's all a blur, really. Check out the mp3 of the show here or check out the YouTube version! If that doesn't work for you, you can check us out on iTunes and subscribe to us and get all of the episodes a few days early! Music this week is about the only thing I'm 100% sure of[...]
The SML Podcast – Music And Console Wars And Talking Forever
Another long episode, but this is a fun one as the creator of our new theme song, Grant Henry, joins the show to talk to us for over two and a half hours! We start the show with some emails including one from a spam account that leads us down a dark path of talking about[...]
Lumberjanes Never Fear, Adam WarRock Is Here
By Julz Hendricks Adam WarRock, known for his geek inspired music, has created one of a kind niche nerd core songs that are absolutely "rapturous" His newest song Lumberjanes has just been released, based on the hit comic by Grace Ellis and Noelle Stevenson The first thing I noticed about the song was the catchy beat,[...]
Nine Lives Lived In Full With Dave McKean At The British Library
Last year at the Sydney Opera House as part of the Graphic season, he put on a performance called 9 Lives, consisting of nine short films to which he and a small orchestra would perform the words and music And each was stylistically so different, a combination of animation and live action and a Dave-McKeany-somewhere-in-betweeny. It[...]