It is a contractual obligation that he agreed to when he signed his secrecy/non-disclosure agreements with CIA and NSA.
"Under SCOTUS precedent in Snep v US (1980), the US Government can obtain a constructive trust against Snowden and seek any monies he has or will ever obtain through advances and royalties That is, the US Government could require[...]
nsa Archives
But it's not a complete Tea Party fantasy, the comic also has its own version of extensive background checks.
And a dig at the NSA as well.
Bloodhound #1 has its Final Order Cut Off date on Monday, and will be published in October by Dark Horse Comics And then probably covered on Fox News and the[...]
All those moments… lost in time.
But then I heard this week about the NSA's extensive history, getting access to Microsoft's servers, tracking and recording people's actions and I thought… maybe they backed up my Hotmail account I'm sure I emailed about terrorism during that period From discussing the similarities between the events of Starship Troopers[...]