Check out the full list of games below, choose your titles wisely, and as always; have fun!
Credit: Square Enix
September 3rd
BARRIER X (Switch)
Blindfold: A Vérité VR Experience (PS4)
Buildings Have Feelings Too! (PC, PS4, Switch, XB1)
Catherine: Full Body Launch Edition (PS4)
Children of Morta (PC)
Conan Chop Chop (PC, PS4, Switch, XB1)
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered (PC, PS4, Switch, XB1)
Project Nimbus: Code Mirai Archives
Check out the full list below, spend your cash wisely, and as always; have fun! Oh, and while we're at it… perhaps try something new from an indie developer!
credit//Dan & Gary Games
April 10th
Extinction (PC, PS4, XB1)
Masters of Anima (PC, PS4, Switch, XB1)
Owlboy (PS4, XB1)
Project Nimbus: Code Mirai (PS4)
Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality [VR] (PS4)
Robocraft Infinity[...]