PTCGO Archives

Pokémon TCG Live Launches Limited Beta Testing in Canada First
In recent Pokémon TCG releases, we have seen the previous PTCGO code cards replaced with Pokémon TCG Live code cards To collectors, these cards are merely a color-based indication of if that booster pack will have a hit or a dud in the rare slot However, players of the TCG could use these codes to obtain online packs[...]
Opinion: Card Gaming In A Post-COVID Era Is Tough To Get Back Into
Nowadays, they have an online interface known as Pokémon Trading Card Game Online or PTCGO for the sake of simplicity This has been around long before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and it has helped the TCG stay afloat even while physical cards have become remarkably scarce at stores that sell them at retail capacity. A screencap of[...]