RH Stewart Archives

Mac's Books Reviewed: Extra Edition For Old-School Sci-Fi Future Quake
This home security system makes 2001's Hal look failsafe in comparison. Others are darker, as sci-fi often is, with the aforementioned Letters Home (writer, Alec Robinson, artist, RH Stewart) taking as its subject matter interstellar colonialism, with these colonialists being Mormon and wishing to spread the word of the Lord across the galaxies while also simultaneously[...]
A Sensory Biography Of A Wild Life In Aleister Crowley: Wandering The Waste
So, with that vote of confidence, I'll continue. I had the pleasure of meeting the creators of Aleister Crowley: Wandering the Waste at Thought Bubble this year in the UK, Martin Hayes and RH Stewart They were present at the Markosia Press table for a signing and even chatted about the book a little with me[...]