Directed by Sacha Gervasi with a screenplay by Gervasi and story by Gervasi & Sean Macaulay, the film unfolds over one night in Los Angeles and tells the true story of the unlikely friendship between Villechaize and journalist Danny Tate(Jamie Dornan) — a friendship that had life-changing consequences for both men.
In a rare interview ("I only talk about projects[...]
sacha gervasi Archives
Directed by Sacha Gervasi, with a screenplay by Gervasi and story by Gervasi & Sean Macaulay, My Dinner With Hervé debuts on HBO on Saturday, October 20th, 8 p.m ET/PT on HBO.
With Dinklage, Gervasi, Steven Zaillian, Richard Middleton, Ross Katz, and Jessica de Rothschild serving as executive producers, and Garrett Basch and David Ginsberg serving as co-executive[...]