From Coast-To-Coast Comic-Con, Ed Brisson has been talking about the upcoming Old Man Logan arc he's writing with the introduction of Maestro. "Two old
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From Coast-To-Coast Comic-Con, Katie Cook talked about this week's upcoming My Little Pony: Deviations from IDW which asks What if Twilight Sparkle wasn't
From Coast-To-Coast Comic-Con, Donny Cates has been talking about working as a Marvel Comics intern proofreading Brian Bendis scripts. He's also mentioned
Streaming at comic stores across the world, from Emerald City Comicon, the Coast-To-Coast Comic Con. Bleeding Cool is also watching, and have all of this
The location is lot in green (in keeping with the ECCC colors), and it appears we have a balloon drop in our future.
For those unfamiliar with the Showbox venue in Seattle, it's a bar/performance location where many of the hip/edgier bands and comedians usually perform For now, we wait on Mr[...]
ECCC is two blocks from work. All I can think is "If I walk by slowly with my 3DS, I will get SO MANY StreetPasses!!" — Reverend Mal (@ReverendMalcus)
Seattle, WA is kind of the unofficial home of coffee… or at least the home of Starbucks It's also the home to the Emerald City Comic Con that is going on this weekend up there in the Northwest US It seems that even a corporate giant like Starbucks knows the value of getting into the[...]
Emerald City Comic Con is on March 1st to the 3rd this year, in Seattle And Wizard World have announced that they have a show a week earlier, down the road, in Portland from February 22nd to the 24th.
Joe Parrington of Emerald City told Oregon Live
You can't put two shows of this size that are[...]
Phoenix Jones is the most famous proponent of the Real Life Superhero movement, due to the fact that he actually beats up bad guys on the streets of Seattle And gets shot, stabbed and arrested in the process.
And now he wants to know if you'd like to do the same.
There are questions about his behaviour during the May Day protests in Seattle But Phoenix Jones also stars in a new music video with a song about… himself, from Quickie.
There's also a PhoenixCam version of the Seattle protests, put online to prove that Phoenix did not pepper spray protesters as has been claimed[...]
It's a busy day for Phoenix Jones, the most high profile of the Real Life Superheroes, in his home town of Seattle.
First, the self-styled supervillain Red Velvet posted a sophisticated-looking video calling him out and challenging Phoenix to unmask himself (which he already has)
And then the May Day protests on the streets of the city[...]
We reported last week how Seattle's self-styled superhero, Phoenix Jones had been arrested by police, and then publicly outed his identity as one mixed martial artist, Ben Fodor.
There has been much criticism of the police's actions, and video footage does appear to back up Jones' case that he was attempting to prevent a violent assault.
Real life super hero, Phoenix Jones, after revealing his secret identity, Ben Fodor, has also revealed he has a sidekick, called Nightstick to patrol the streets of Seattle with him.
Foder befriended Nightstick in the mixed martial arts world and, according to Fodor, has phsically broken up criminal behavior and handcuffed a drug dealer to a[...]
Bleeding Cool have covered the real life superhero antics of Phoenix Jones, who patrols the streets of Seattle challenging the like of drug dealers, car thieves and, now it seems, clubbers.
He was arrested by Seattle Police yesterday morning after he is alleged to have pepper sprayed a group leaving a nightclu at at 2.30 am
Bleeding Cool's favourite Real Life Super Hero, Phoenix Jones, caused a little ruckus at Seattle comic convention Emerald City Comic Con
In a panel interview with The Office star Rainn Wilson about his upcoming real life superhero movie Super, with director James Dunn, Jones arrived with fellow superheroer Pitch Black to basically gatecrash the panel[...]
Because I could be in the middle of this, in Seattle, waiting to get into the Emerald City Comic Con.
Say I wonder if Phoenix Jones is in there somewhere? Little Bleeders don't forget to keep us informed of how it all goes down, at
Yeah, okay right now, I'm happy to be snuggled up[...]