The bomb goes off in the season 3 episode though with Caleb and Dolores fighting their way through the humans finally taking charge of something and revolting against the constraints of their society and breaching Incite to take down Serac, Rheobaum, and anybody who stands in their way Well, sort of There were a lot[...]
serac Archives
HBO is taking viewers of Westworld behind the scenes of the third season finale to discuss how things ended and where they might be heading.
Westworld ended their third season and they most assuredly didn't go out with a whimper, but in true HBO fashion they left with a bang.
Dolores is not playing him as suggested; humanity, like Serac (Vincent Cassel), is corrupt and terrible and I can't understand how anybody would be on his side Seriously, would you advocate for humanity when it's set on closed loops with basically zero free will? That doesn't exactly sound like freedom: one man and his machine[...]
Westworld is usually an hour of non-stop twists and action, but Decoherence felt like just another round of side plots to process.
I have a feeling he's back and more determined than ever to get out of this particular maze he's gotten himself into.
Serac looks to get his point across to Caleb on Westworld, courtesy of HBO.
And speaking of coming back, I know it doesn't mean a whole lot when hosts come back after a death scene,[...]