USA Network's Jason Bourne franchise spinoff series Treadstone has recruited its final five, with the upcoming action-thriller adding Omar Metwally (The Affair), Tracy Ifeachor (Quantico), Hyo Joo Han (W: Two Worlds), Gabrielle Scharnitzky (The Game), and Emilia Schüle (Berlin Station). The new cast members join previously-announced leads Jeremy Irvine (Mamma Mia 2) and Brian J[...]
spinoff Archives
Looks like NBC is interested in telling the further adventures of Bad Boys II's Special Agent Syd Burnett, with the network giving a formal pilot production green light to an as-yet-untitled movie spinoff series starring Gabrielle Union.
Credit: Kathy Hutchins /
Written by The Blacklist writers-producers Brandon Margolis and Brandon Sonnier, the project would focus on Union's[...]
The ongoing titles became 12 or 13 issue books (although Sheriff Of Babylon got an extra two issues added to the original planned ten) and some mini-series saw their planned issues cut in half.
Bleeding Cool has already told you that DC/Vertigo is planning a number of new Sandman spinoff books, along the lines of Lucifer, for[...]
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool ran a brief look at the script for the pilot of the new AMC Walking Dead spinoff series, which appears to be called Fear The Walking Dead.
Well, we're not the only people calling it that So are Meridian Talent Management, who have announced that one of their actors, Carols E Campos, has[...]
The letter does however confirm the legitimacy of the script.
The original story continues below, without excerpts:
It looks like The Walking Dead spinoff series for AMC is called Fear The Walking Dead.
Or at least that's the pilot episode's name, in this September 2014 script You be the judge.
[REMOVED – image with the title of the script[...]
Walking Dead wants a spinoff Breaking Bad wants a spinoff Bleeding Cool has a suggestion for AMC…
Walking Dead wants a spinoff Breaking Bad wants a spinoff Bleeding Cool has a suggestion for AMC…
Walking Dead wants a spinoff Breaking Bad wants a spinoff Bleeding Cool has a suggestion for AMC…
Walking Dead wants a[...]
Adventure Time has been a real boon for Boom! Studios, burning through multiple prints in stores and being a solid seller at conventions, as new viewers