substack Archives

Skottie Young Launches Ongoing I Hate Fairyland Drawn By Brett Parson
Skottie Young has announced news about his I Hate Fairyland series, coming from Image Comics and Substack Firstly that Image Comics will launch a new ongoing I Hate Fairyland series which he will continue to write but that the book will be drawn by Tank Girl and The Goon's Brett Parson. Skottie Young writes on his[...]
So, DC Comics, What is 5G?
It's 5G time! In his Tiny Onion newsletter for Substack, James Tynion IV looked at his entire approach to Batman and the history of the characters, dividing it into five generations And about his pitch to take over the Batman book from Tom King for a year-and-a-bit as it was then planned. When I first started[...]
Donny Cates & Ryan Stegman Talk To Rich Johnston About Their Substack
Bleeding Cool just ran an interview with Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman about their new Substack subscription publishing service, joining other creators such James Tynion IV, Scott Snyder,Jonathan Hickman, Skottie Young, Mollie Knox Ostertag, Chip Zdarsky, Saladin Ahmed, and we think Jen Bartel too, to getting big Substack grants – possibly $600,000 each according to[...]
Donny Cates & Ryan Stegman Talk To Rich Johnston About Their Substack
But, as of right now, they are going to be Substack Comics At least at first KLC Press standing for Kids Love Chains! will publish Vanish, written by Donny Cates, pencilled by Ryan Stegman, who most recently worked together on Venom, Absolute Carnage, and The King In Black at Marvel Comics, and designed by John[...]
Mike Huddleston Shows The Marble Arch Mound How To Do It
A 25 metre artificial hill built at the Marble Arch end of Oxford Street meant to provide spectacular views from a garden setting and encourage footfall back to the area, instead provided views onto other scaffolds and work sites while it began to rot, exposing the scaffolding on which it was based. Marble Arch mound photo[...]
Fanboy Rampage: Substack Special
Recently, Substack announced a number of comic book creator premium subscriber launches, using the medium to not just talk about comics but to publish them, digitally Substack has paid premium advances to these creators, recruited by Nick Spencer, and James Tynion IV has even stated that he is quitting writing Batman to work on Substack,[...]
Substack Comics Creators Criticised Over Site's Offensive Content
At least, according to James Tynion IV, who posted on his the-moring-after-the-night-before Substack announcement. James Tynion IV: Last night I slept for more consecutive hours than I have in a month I woke up feeling a little drunk on sleep, and then stumbled over to the computer to see where we landed over the night[...]
Substack Comics Creators Criticised Over Site's Offensive Content
Hamish McKenzie posted regarding his newly announced Substack comic book creator/publishing deals Which, courtesy of Nick Spencer, has seen millions of dollars dropped on attracting some of the biggest names in comic books to publish their creator-owned titles first on the Substack newsletter subscription service So far, Jonathan Hickman, James Tynion IV, Scott Snyder, Skottie[...]
Chip Zdarsky, Latest Substack Comics Publisher With Public Domain
Chip Zdarsky, author of comics such as Stillwater and Daredevil, and artist on Sex Criminals, is taking his next comic book work to Substack, the latest of a number of comic book creators to do so And, as Bleeding Cool tried to do when reporting these stories, we put the money up top. MONTHLY LEVEL—US$7/month: You get[...]
Is Jonathan Hickman's 3 Worlds 3 Moons, A Comic Industry Allegory?
While Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV have been talking about how they are amazed with how many people have signed up to their Substack operations, Jonathan Hickman has just gone ahead with the work, talking about the structures behind his multi-creator series Two Girls, One Cup Sorry, I mean Three Worlds, Three Moons Or[...]
Skottie Young, The Latest Substack Comics Publisher
Skottie Young has updated his existing Substack subscribers to his latest publishing venture, joining the great and the good publishing comic books through the Substack subscription service, for $7 a month, $75 a year, or a $300 Boss Level which will include exclusive variant covers of his other work As he says "This is no[...]
The logo of Substack
Mopping up the coverage from Bleeding Cool Rumourmonger-in-Chief Rich Johnston about James Tynion, Scott Snyder, and Jonathan Hickman joining Nick Spencer to make comics at Substack, we're pleased to report that two additional creators have joined the revolution Saladin Ahmed's comics Substack is called Copper Bottle, while Molly Ostertag's new Substack is titled In the[...]
Jonathan Hickman Quits X-Men For Three Worlds Three Moons Substack?
Jonathan Hickman has joined James Tynion IV, Scott Snyder and others in launching their Substack publishing plans today Currently the showrunner on the X-Men books, he recently dropped off writing the ongoing X-Men title in favour of the Inferno mini-series, but will he be returning to the Xbooks afterward? Or might Substack be his all,[...]
Scott Snyder Lauches Substack Writing Classes For $7 A Month
Scott Snyder, who has just launched a new line of creator-owned comic books from Amazon Prime ComiXology Originals and Dark Horse is launching his new Substack writing classes – just as one of his former student James Tynion IV launches his own Substack comics publishing line Snyder mentions Tynion IV in his alumni, as well[...]
James Tynon IV Launches Substack Publisher For $7 A Month
James Tynion IV, writer of Batman and The Joker for DC Comics, has quit work-for-hire superhero comic books in favour of a new gig at Substack, who coincidentally have been distributing his newsletter of late His first comic book published through Substack will be UFO-themed The Blue Book with Michael Avon Oeming, starting in September[...]
James Tynion IV & Michael Oeming's Blue Book - Substack in September
As part of James Tynion IV's new Substack gig that he is quitting Batman and The Joker for, on his newsletter, he announced the first of his new Substack comic books The Blue Book, a new UFO comic book drawn by Michael Avon Oeming, and lettered by Aditya Bidikar. "I started digging back into UFOs last[...]
Batman #111 Sees Batman Fear State Rewrite The Future State
A grant from Substack to create a new slate of original comic book properties directly on their platform, that my co-creators and I would own completely, with Substack taking none of the intellectual property rights, or even the publishing rights Given my bandwidth, I knew I could only pick one of two contracts sitting in[...]
Nick Spencer Swaps Spider-Man For Substack, Daily LITG 19th June 2021
You can sign up to receive it as an e-mail here. Nick Spencer Swaps Spider-Man For Substack – The Daily LITG, 19th June 2021 The world keeps turning, and America is beginning to heal from all the burns Even if a few scabs need pulling off first. Brand New Day for Spider-Man as Nick Spencer Swings Off Into[...]
Nick Spencer and Substack Have Teamed Up to Launch a Comics Imprint
Substack, the newsletter platform that allows writers to charge a subscription fee for a newsletter, is getting into the comics business According to a report by Business Insider, Substack is looking to offer comic book creators a "new revenue model" based on the book publishing world, where creators would be offered an advance, plus a[...]