King of Eden is a new horror manga written by Naoki Urusawa's frequent co-author Takashi Nagasaki Nagasaki was the co-writer of Urusawa's most recent hit series, including Monster, 20th Century Boys, Master Keaton, Billy Bat, and Osamu Tezuka's reimagining's Astroboy storyline Pluto.
"King of Eden" Vol 1 cover courtesy of Yen Press.
The series is actually another take on the zombie[...]
takashi nagasaki Archives
Yen Press announced the release of a new horror manga King of Eden, written by Naoki Urusawa's frequent co-author Takashi Nagasaki Nagasaki was the co-writer of Urusawa's most recent hit series, including Monster, 20th Century Boys, Master Keaton, Billy Bat and his reimagining of Osamu Tezuka's Astroboy storyline Pluto.
"King of Eden" Vol[...]