39 Thoughts About 39 Comics – Interesting Drug, Trees, Batman, Nightwing, Suicide Squad, Chew/Revival, Sex, Crossed, God Is Dead, Thief Of Thieves, Skullkickers, The Star Wars, Peanuts, Elephantmen, Sheltered, Futures End, C.O.W.L., Midas Flesh, Deadly Class, Tanpopo, Batman Eternal, Southern Bastards, Dr Spektor, Nightbreed, Doc Savage, Bravest Warriors, Twilight Zone, Star Wars, Ghostbusters, Samurai Jack, My Little Pony, Transformers, Harbinger, Shadowman, Gozilla, 24, City, Dejah Thoris, X-Files
Stephanie appears on two pages this week.
As does Tanpopo Vol 2…
Nightbreed #1 is the only comic this week that includes the Lord's Prayer Why is that?
Bravest Warriors #20 saves lives with frozen sugar syrup What a hero! And how did he keep them so cold all this time? It doesn't make sense!!!
Probably by young children[...]