top 100 Archives

The Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List 2015 – 7 To 5
Welcome to the Fourth Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List for the next Bleeding Cool Magazine, being serialized right now on the Bleeding Cool website. It's an attempt to list the most powerful people working in the English speaking comic book marketplace It's judged by all manner of attributes, the ability to influence what comics exist and[...]
The Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List 2015 – 13 To 11
Welcome to the Fourth Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List for the next Bleeding Cool Magazine, being serialized right now on the Bleeding Cool website. It's an attempt to list the most powerful people working in the English speaking comic book marketplace It's judged by all manner of attributes, the ability to influence what comics exist and[...]
The Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List 2015 – 16 To 14
For 2016, my slogan will apparently be: Not quite as strong as Kevin Feige, somewhat mightier than @JimLee — Tom Brevoort (@TomBrevoort) December 16, 2015 Welcome to the Fourth Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List for the next Bleeding Cool Magazine, being serialized right now on the Bleeding Cool website. It's an attempt to list the most powerful people[...]
The Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List 2015 – 19 To 17
Welcome to the Fourth Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List for the next Bleeding Cool Magazine, being serialized right now on the Bleeding Cool website. It's an attempt to list the most powerful people working in the English speaking comic book marketplace It's judged by all manner of attributes, the ability to influence what comics exist and[...]
The Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List 2015 – 22 To 20
Welcome to the Fourth Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List for the next Bleeding Cool Magazine, being serialized right now on the Bleeding Cool website. It's an attempt to list the most powerful people working in the English speaking comic book marketplace It's judged by all manner of attributes, the ability to influence what comics exist and[...]
The Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List 2015 – 25 To 23
Welcome to the Fourth Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List for the next Bleeding Cool Magazine, being serialized right now on the Bleeding Cool website. It's an attempt to list the most powerful people working in the English speaking comic book marketplace It's judged by all manner of attributes, the ability to influence what comics exist and[...]
The Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List 2015 – 28 To 26
Welcome to the Fourth Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List for the next Bleeding Cool Magazine, being serialized right now on the Bleeding Cool website. It's an attempt to list the most powerful people working in the English speaking comic book marketplace It's judged by all manner of attributes, the ability to influence what comics exist and[...]
The Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List 2015 – 31 To 29
Welcome to the Fourth Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List for the next Bleeding Cool Magazine, being serialized right now on the Bleeding Cool website. It's an attempt to list the most powerful people working in the English speaking comic book marketplace It's judged by all manner of attributes, the ability to influence what comics exist and[...]
The Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List 2015 – 34 To 32
Welcome to the Fourth Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List for the next Bleeding Cool Magazine, being serialized right now on the Bleeding Cool website. It's an attempt to list the most powerful people working in the English speaking comic book marketplace It's judged by all manner of attributes, the ability to influence what comics exist and[...]
The Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List 2015 – 37 To 35
Welcome to the Fourth Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List for the next Bleeding Cool Magazine, being serialized right now on the Bleeding Cool website. It's an attempt to list the most powerful people working in the English speaking comic book marketplace It's judged by all manner of attributes, the ability to influence what comics exist and[...]
The Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List 2015 – 40 To 38
Welcome to the Fourth Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List for the next Bleeding Cool Magazine, being serialized right now on the Bleeding Cool website. It's an attempt to list the most powerful people working in the English speaking comic book marketplace It's judged by all manner of attributes, the ability to influence what comics exist and[...]
The Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List 2015 – 97 To 95
The Fourth Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List for the next Bleeding Cool Magazine is being serialized on the Bleeding Cool website. It's an attempt to list the most powerful people working in the English speaking comic book marketplace It's judged by all manner of attributes, the ability to influence what comics exist and sell, but[...]
The Top 100 Power List 2015 To Be Serialised On Bleeding Cool, Starting Tomorrow
The Fourth Bleeding Cool Top 100 Power List for the next Bleeding Cool Magazine is being serialized on the Bleeding Cool website Starting tomorrow. It's an attempt to list the most powerful people working in the English speaking comic book marketplace It's judged by all manner of attributes, the ability to influence what comics exist and[...]
Top 100 Comics And Graphic Novels For May 2015
While, for graphic novels, Night Nurse seems to make a Dardevil Netflix-inspired appearance at no 2m behind the new Batman Earth One... You can find more May 2015 stats here… RANK DESCRIPTION PRICE VENDOR 1 SECRET WARS #1 $4.99 MAR 2 BRAVEST WARRIORS TALES HOLO JOHN #1 $4.99 BOO 3 SECRET WARS #2 $4.99 MAR 4 STAR WARS #5 $3.99 MAR 5 DEADPOOLS SECRET SECRET WARS #1 $4.99 MAR 6 A-FORCE #1 $3.99 MAR 7 OLD MAN LOGAN #1 $4.99 MAR 8 DARTH VADER #5 $3.99 MAR 9 CONVERGENCE #5 [*] $3.99 DC 10 CONVERGENCE #6 [*] $3.99 DC 11 CONVERGENCE #8[...]
Top 100 Comics And Graphic Novels For March 2015 – Women Top The Charts
Top 100 comic books and graphic novels sold in March 2013 in North America by Diamond Comic Distributors It's notable that the best selling GN was the new, and final (for now) League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen volume, Nemo: River Of Ghosts Starring the daughter of Captain Nemo, Pirate Jenny taking his role. But its not just[...]
Top 100 Comics For July 2014 – Matt Smith Beats David Tennant, Official
Geronimo! TOP 100 COMIC BOOKS Based on Total Unit Sales of Products Invoiced in July 2014 QTY RANK DOLLAR RANK INDEX DESCRIPTION PRICE VENDOR 1 1 249.09 ROCKET RACCOON #1 $3.99 MAR 2 2 100.00 BATMAN #33 (ZERO YEAR) $4.99 DC 3 3 99.93 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #4 $3.99 MAR 4 5 77.48 ORIGINAL SIN #5 $3.99 MAR 5 4 76.86 SPIDER-MAN 2099 #1 $3.99 MAR 6 7 75.70 ORIGINAL SIN #6 $3.99 MAR 7 6 74.73 JUSTICE LEAGUE #32 $3.99 DC 8 20 69.01 GRAYSON #1 $2.99 DC 9 9 66.53 LEGENDARY STAR LORD #1 $3.99 MAR 10 21 65.11 HARLEY QUINN #8 $2.99 DC 11 12 62.96 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #1.3 $3.99 MAR 12 25 61.79 WALKING DEAD #129 (MR) $2.99 IMA 13 13 61.50 SANDMAN OVERTURE #3 (MR) $3.99 DC 14 14 58.92 SUPERMAN UNCHAINED #7 $3.99 DC 15 15 57.92 BATMAN SUPERMAN #12 $3.99 DC 16 8 55.07 HARLEY QUINN INVADES COMIC CON INTL SAN DIEGO #1 $4.99 DC 17 37 54.09 BATMAN[...]
Harley Quinn At #13, Joker's Daughter At #22, Ms Marvel At #24 – Top 400 Comics And Top 300 Graphic Novels In February
As for the top selling item in terms of dollars? That's the Villains Month 3D Second Print Set, at $200… TOP 100 COMIC BOOKS Based on Total Unit Sales of Products Invoiced in February 2014 QtyRank RetailRank Index PRODUCT PRICE PUBLISHER 1 2 100.00 BATMAN #28 $3.99 DC 2 3 80.65 FOREVER EVIL #5 $3.99 DC 3 5 77.94 WOLVERINE #1 $3.99 MAR 4 4 75.73 SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #27.NOW $3.99 MAR 5 6 70.91 JUSTICE LEAGUE #28 $3.99 DC 6 7 66.16 SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #28 $3.99 MAR 7 10 57.65 FANTASTIC FOUR #1 $3.99 MAR 8 21 57.19 WALKING DEAD #121 (MR) $2.99 IMA 9 22 56.81 WALKING DEAD #122 (MR) $2.99 IMA 10 9 56.64 ALL NEW X-MEN #23 $3.99 MAR 11 24 56.07 HARLEY QUINN[...]
Everyone Go Out And Buy Bleeding Cool Magazine #7 For $1.99
For a full copy of Bleeding Cool Magazine with this year's Top 100 Power List And a free exclusive Shadowman comic written by Peter Milligan, Issue 13X You know, like Wizard used to do. Go on, buy a copy, then tell me what you thought Use the webcodes on each article to link through to a[...]
Want To Get Published? Bleeding Cool Magazine Is Looking For You
And photographers… we're looking to build on our collection of exclusive photos of comic creators, professionals and mainstays to be used in future issues and of course for our Top 100 list We're not necessarily looking for just existing content but also photographers willing to head out onto the con floor to get the shots[...]
Top 100 Comics And Top 100 Graphic Novels For July 2013
Here's a look at the top 100 comic books and graphic novels for July 2013… DC may have most 6 of the top 10 but Marvel has 13 of the top 20, which is why DC isn't completely dominating Marvel in July's statistics…. The highest non Marvel is Walking Dead at number 12, which is threatening to[...]
Ten Grand Launches At No 25 In May's Top 100 Comics & Graphic Novels Chart
Dodgy statistics. Apsen's Charismagic #1 debuted at number 90, with Ape's Sesame Street #1 hitting at no 98. TOP 100 COMIC BOOKS Based on Total Unit Sales of Products Invoiced in May 2013 QTY RANK DOLLAR RANK INDEX DESCRIPTION PRICE VENDOR 1 1 137.66 X-MEN #1 $3.99 MAR 2 3 100.00 BATMAN #20 $3.99 DC 3 4 75.69 JUSTICE LEAGUE #20 $3.99 DC 4 5 74.91 AGE OF ULTRON #7 $3.99 MAR 5 6 74.03 AGE OF ULTRON #8 $3.99 MAR 6 7 72.58 SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #9 $3.99 MAR 7 8 66.14 SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #10 $3.99 MAR 8 9 64.54 JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #3 $3.99 DC 9 10 62.45 ALL NEW X-MEN #11 $3.99 MAR 10 12 60.64 DETECTIVE COMICS #20 $3.99 DC 11 11 60.45 IRON MAN #9 $3.99 MAR 12 13 60.34 JUSTICE[...]
Top 100 Comics For December 2012
Apparently we shouldn't have counted Before Watchmen Comedian or  But basically it is as it was last week… but do notice Boom's first entry with their own original comics into the top 100 with Deathmatch, Image's bedding down Walking Dead in the top 30 and Saga fiding a spot in the top sixty alongside My Little[...]
Bleeding Cool Magazine #1 On The Shelves Today
Featuring the Top 100 Power List, ranking the most powerful people in comic books According to me I'm told by one prominent comic book creator that it was pretty much what everyone was talking about at DC Comics yesterday – while they weren't facing  the ire of comic retailers for their new digital distribution scheduling[...]
Grace Randolph's Stacktastic On The Most Powerful People In Comics
[youtube][/youtube] Think About The Ink reports; Mark Millar, Dan DiDio and Kevin Feige are just a few of the people to make it into the Top 100 list of powerful people in comics, as determined by Rich Johnston for his new Bleeding Cool magazine! Host Grace Randolph sits down to interview Rich Johnston about this list, the[...]
BC Mag #1: Top 100 Power List For Comics 2012
Bleeding Cool Magazine article by Rich Johnston. Welcome to the first Top 100 Power List for comics Its aim is to list the top 100 most powerful people in the English speaking comics industry. But how do you define power in the comics industry? The ability to hire and fire? The ability to commission a comic –[...]
BC Mag #1: Introduction
Bleeding Cool Magazine article by Rich Johnston. November! The nights are drawing in. Americans are thankful for their country, celebrating with turkey,