Posted in: AEW, Fox, Opinion, Sports, TV, TV | Tagged: aew, fox news, General Hospital, Ingo Rademacher, opinion, tony khan, Tucker Carlson
AEW CEO & BCTV MVP Tony Khan; GH "Vax Jax": Tuck's White "Whine" List
I know! I know! It's been a little more than a month since the last edition of our semi-regular series "Tuck's White 'Whine' List," where we look at what FOX "News'" top propagandist & vision of what Damien from "The Omen" films would look like when he got older (sorry, but you're just too damn handsome, Sam Neil) Tucker Carlson's (aka The Tuck) been up to lately to continue in his continued efforts to "scorched-earth" any fibers of decency and respect in the world. The last time we checked in, strange bedfellows Geraldo Rivera and Seth MacFarlane were on the same page about one thing. The Tuck's attempts to explain away the domestic terrorist attack unleashed on the capitol in Washington D.C. by a crapload of Trump supporters as not being the act of treason that it was (thus, making them traitors… like everyone who fought for the Confederacy in the Civil War… which I guess makes them losers, too?). This time around, we have an update from an ex-soap opera actor who found his way to the studio of our favorite minister of propaganda. But first, a quick look at BCTV's newest MVP: AEW CEO Tony Khan.
So why does Khan earn such high praise? Well, let's put aside the fact that he's the perfect balance of pro-wrestling fanboy and smart businessman that the business needs. Unlike a certain WWE head, Khan understands that there is strength in numbers and that the success of AEW should be something that "raises the boats" of the other wrestling companies. I mean, just look how different Impact! is now than how it looked a year or so ago. He also understands ratings and egos, and… dare I say it? Yes, I dare! I get the distinct impression he's not a big fan of bullies. So when he calls out FOX "News" for getting beat by AEW Dynamite for six straight weeks, we're seeing someone who knows how to throw and take punches. Plus, what better way to differentiate yourself & your company from "The House That McMahon Built" than to take on the network that shares as much love for Trump as the McMahon family does? So for bringing back the excitement to pro-wrestling and showing a willingness to step into a fight when needed, he tops our list- now take a look at his message to FOX "News":
And guess who found his way into The Tuck's warm, tentacled embrace this week? If you guessed ex-General Hospital actor Ingo Rademacher aka Jasper "Jax" Jacks aka "Vax Jax" then you're pretty savvy with how these sad little whine-fests go down. After the ABC soap opera dumped him over his refusal to abide by health & safety protocols that included being vaccinated for COVID-19, "Vax Jax" headed over to The Tuck's show over on "FOX Nation Über Alles" to make the case that his lawsuit against ABC is all about "our Human rights and corporate mandates" (so if it's not about the money then call me when he donates 100% of anything he wins in a ruling to an organization helping homeless LGBTQ teens). While we're not here to shill for either of them, you can check out the interview here if you're so inclined.
Two points to keep in mind because they're important in the big picture. First, the courts might be a tough road for "Vax Jax" to travel with the U.S. Supreme Court refusing to legally step in with regards to The State of New York's own vaccination mandate that state health care workers be vaccinated regardless of religious objections. Let's also never forget that "Vax Jax's" departure also came in the midst of backlash he was receiving over controversial comments regarding transgender people from his castmates and social media when he reposted a tweet via his Instagram account that called U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine a "dude" (with the Biden-appointee recently sworn in as the first transgender four-star officer). General Hospital castmates Nancy Lee Grahn and transgender actor Cassandra James publically condemned Rademacher's move, who attempted to clarify the matter in a follow-up post.