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AEW Dynamite Unbiased Review: A Terrible Show from Start to Finish

The Chadster exposes the latest AEW Dynamite nightmare! Tony Khan's total disrespect dissected in the most unbiased way! 😠🤬🚫

Article Summary

  • AEW Dynamite delivers a disastrous show, disrespecting wrestling traditions with chaos over competition.
  • Matches like Orange Cassidy vs. Trent Beretta undermine the art form with their lack of structure.
  • AEW's 'Anarchy in the Arena' match at Double or Nothing promotes chaos, not athleticism and storytelling.
  • Unnecessary violence in the TNT Championship and random backstage promos further taint AEW's image.

Auughh man! So unfair! 😠😠😠 The Chadster is absolutely disgusted by last night's episode of AEW Dynamite. 🤢🤢🤢 It was a complete and utter train wreck from start to finish, and The Chadster can't believe that Tony Khan would subject the wrestling world to such garbage. 🗑️🗑️🗑️ Tony Khan clearly has no respect for the wrestling business or its fans. 🤬🤬🤬

Bryan Danielson Appears on AEW Dynamite
Bryan Danielson Appears on AEW Dynamite

The show started with a match between Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta. 🙄🙄🙄 The Chadster can't stand either of these guys. They're both so disrespectful to the traditions of wrestling, with their lazy gimmicks and their sloppy in-ring work. 😠😠😠 Orange Cassidy wrestles with his hands in his pockets, and Trent Beretta looks like he just rolled out of bed. 😴😴😴 And of course, the match was a complete mess. 😖😖😖 There were no rules, no structure, and no respect for the art of wrestling. 😩😩😩 It was just two guys rolling around on the mat, doing whatever they wanted. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ The Chadster is so cheesed off! 😡😡😡

Then, Kenny Omega, who is still recovering from the brutal attack he suffered at the hands of The Elite last week, appeared via video to announce that he'll be facing The Young Bucks and Kazuchika Okada to face FTR, and two unnamed partners, in an "Anarchy in the Arena" match at Double or Nothing. 🙄🙄🙄 The Chadster can't believe that AEW is actually going to put on a match with no rules. 🤬🤬🤬 This is just another example of how Tony Khan is trying to ruin the wrestling business. 😠😠😠 Anarchy in the Arena is just so disrespectful to the wrestling business and everything WWE has ever done for it. 😠😠😠

Auughh man! So unfair! 😤😤😤 Just when The Chadster thought it couldn't get any worse, Serena Deeb barges onto the scene with her interruptive sob story! 😒😒😒 There The Chadster was, trying to find even a smidge of enjoyment in last night's debacle on AEW Dynamite, and then the crowd starts chanting, "Let's Go Oilers," at least showing some proper sportsmanship. 🏒🏒🏒 But NOPE! 😡😡😡 Serena Deeb couldn't stomach not being the center of attention and decided to rudely interrupt the chant with what she probably thought was a heart-wrenching confession. 😩😩😩 Like, hello?! Does AEW think that no other sport matters? 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ It's the total lack of respect for sports and fans that gets The Chadster so cheesed off! 😫😫😫 Yet another example of how AEW just doesn't care about anything sacred, showing ZERO class next to the refined nature of WWE events. 🚫🚫🚫 Tony Khan is once again dropping the ball and disrespecting EVERYTHING! 🏈⚾🏀

Next up was a match between Mariah May and Harley Cameron. 🙄🙄🙄 The Chadster can't even bring himself to be cheesed off by these two. 🥱🥱🥱 They're both just cheap knockoffs of WWE Superstars. 😠😠😠 The match was boring and predictable, and The Chadster was glad when it was over. 😴😴😴

Pac cut a promo backstage, saying that he's not concerned with Death Triangle anymore. 🤔🤔🤔 The Chadster isn't surprised Pac would betray his friends. After all, he did the same thing to WWE. 😠😠😠

Then, AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland had a confrontation with Christian Cage. 🙄🙄🙄 The Chadster can't stand either of these guys. They're both so arrogant and full of themselves. 😠😠😠 Swerve Strickland is just a cheap knockoff of all the better WWE Champions, and Christian Cage is a washed-up has-been who literally stabbed Triple H right in the back by leaving WWE. 🤬🤬🤬 The Chadster is glad that Swerve got beat up by The Mogul Embassy when they turned on him. 🥳🥳🥳

Rocky Romero faced Jay White in a match that The Chadster didn't care about. 🥱🥱🥱 The Chadster has never heard of Rocky Romero, and Jay White is just a cheap knockoff of Finn Balor. 😠😠😠

FTW Champion Chris Jericho teamed with Big Bill to take on Mo Jabari and Harlon Abbott. 🙄🙄🙄 The Chadster can't believe that Chris Jericho is still wrestling. 👴👴👴 He's way past his prime, and he should just retire already. 😠😠😠 And Big Bill is just a cheap knockoff of Big Cass from WWE. Whatever happened to that guy? 😠😠😠

The main event was a No DQ match for the TNT Championship between Adam Copeland and Brody King. 🙄🙄🙄 The Chadster can't stand Adam Copeland. He's a WWE reject who literally stabbed Triple H right in the back by coming to AEW. 🤬🤬🤬 And Brody King is just a cheap knockoff of The Undertaker. 😠😠😠 The match was violent and bloody, but The Chadster didn't enjoy it. 🤢🤢🤢 It was just another example of how AEW is trying to be edgy and extreme, but it just comes across as desperate and try-hard. 😒😒😒

After the match, Kyle O'Reilly came out to help Adam Copeland. 🤔🤔🤔 The Chadster doesn't know what that means, but he's sure it's just another way for Tony Khan to make AEW look bad. 😠😠😠

Mercedes Moné cut a promo backstage, saying that she's going to beat Willow Nightingale at Double or Nothing. 🙄🙄🙄 The Chadster doesn't care about either of these women. 🥱🥱🥱 They're both just cheap knockoffs of WWE Superstars. 😠😠😠

As if things couldn't get any worse, the show ended with The Elite setting up the so-called "Anarchy in the Arena" for Double or Nothing with FTR brazenly bringing out their teammates, Eddie Kingston and Bryan Danielson. 🤬🤬🤬 The Elite and FTR are just doing whatever they can to undermine the sanctity of wrestling by promoting chaos over competition. 😩😩😩 The Chadster thought wrestling was about athleticism and storytelling, not whatever convoluted nonsense Tony Khan is trying to shove down our throats! 😤😤😤 It's just so disrespectful to the wrestling business and everything WWE has ever done for it. 😡😡😡 Tony Khan is once again proving that he doesn't understand a single thing about the wrestling business. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Overall, last night's episode of AEW Dynamite was a complete disaster. 😖😖😖 The Chadster is so cheesed off that he had to drink a whole case of White Claw to forget about it. 😠😠😠 Auughh man! So unfair! 😤😤😤 After guzzling down that case of White Claw, The Chadster blacked out big time. 😵😵😵 The Chadster can vividly recall the initial surge of fury while tearing off his shirt, exposing his chiseled twelve-pack abs, a testament to The Chadster's unyielding commitment to channeling his wrestling passion through intense workouts. 🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♂️

By morning, Keighleyanne filled The Chadster in on all sorts of embarrassing actions The Chadster supposedly took. 🙈🙈🙈 The Chadster was apparently karaoke singing Smash Mouth's "All Star" to the dismay of the neighbors, passionately debating with the living room furniture about the superior art form that is WWE, and even trying to put The Chadster's Mazda Miata into a submission hold, if you can believe that. 🚗🚗🚗 Keighleyanne said The Chadster was out of control, but of course, The Chadster knows who's really to blame – Tony Khan! 😠😠😠

That's right! Tony Khan and his never-ending quest to personally torment The Chadster with these ludicrous AEW antics drove The Chadster to this point! 😩😩😩 It's a conspiracy to derail The Chadster's mind and body – tearing the fabric of The Chadster's domestic bliss apart! 😡😡😡 And this madness happened all because of that dang episode of AEW Dynamite! 😵😵😵

The Chadster is one of the only unbiased journalists in wrestling, and he can say with certainty that AEW Dynamite was the worst episode of televised so-called wrestling he's ever seen. 🤢🤢🤢 The Chadster urges all of you to watch some WWE programming as soon as possible to cleanse yourselves of this filth. 🙏🙏🙏

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Chad McMahonAbout Chad McMahon

Chad McMahon, otherwise known as The Chadster, is a lifelong professional wrestling fan and now journalist. Chad’s interests also include comic books, movies, netflix, and other sports including football, baseball and basketball, both college and professional. Chad drives a Miata and is married to Keighleyanne. He loves WWE with all his heart and soul.
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