Posted in: NBC, Review, Trailer, TV | Tagged: amy, bleeding cool, boyle, brooklyn 99, brooklyn nine-nine, Debbie, episode 5, episode 7, holt, Jake, nbc, santiago, Santiago Garcia, season 7
"Brooklyn Nine-Nine" Season 7 "Debbie": Vanessa Bayer Fuels Action-Packed Ep [SPOILER REVIEW]
The award for "Craziest B**ch on Television" goes to Debbie Fogel (Vanessa Bayer) in this week's episode of NBC's Brooklyn Nine-Nine. All I have to say is WTF! The typically subdued and ultra-shy street cop you may remember stole some cocaine and apparently machine guns last week after being inspired by Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio) to seize moments and come out of her shell.
I don't think what he meant by that was steal illegal drugs from the evidence locker. Well clearly, dear Debbie is completely out of her mind – not a "damsel in destress" blending into her surroundings as portrayed at the start of the season.
After showing up to the precinct the next day clearly high and acting extremely bizarre, it doesn't take the Nine-Nine long to figure out she is the inside woman who committed the crime, the question is why? Jake is convinced that she had a good reason, and being a decent person, she is most likely very sorry for her actions.
Reality check, she's not. She's actually bonkers, and has been working in cahoots with an infamous crime lord Nucci – expecting to get a whopping $1M to return his merchandise. After Debbie refuses to talk, Jake and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) orchestrate a plan to break her out of the precinct and 'convince' (I use the word very loosely) her that they are working for Nucci, too – so in the trunk of the car she goes!
While Santiago (Melissa Fumero) and Holt (Andre Braugher) flex their reading muscles going through Debbie's nonsense journals to figure out how she and Nucci got linked up and Boyle takes it "nice and easy", Debbie, Rosa, and Jake are waiting for the drop off instructions.
Apparently, psycho b**** has a crush on Jake – which he uses to build an alliance with her after Rosa announces she is going to arrest Debbie and gets tied up. Debbie claims she needs the money to pay for her father's cancer treatment, validating Jake – only to turn around, wave her machine gun around the mansion, and confess that he no longer needs it so she's keeping the cash.
Debbie invites her demoralizing, and mentally abusive mother to the party, ties her up, starts randomly shooting up the house, and – guns blazing – attempts to seduce Jake and have him talk trash about Santiago. It's like watching a fight break out in a prison… not knowing where to look: Jake tries to take her down, she disarms him, and ties him to a chair.
Who are you Debbie? In a very interesting turn of events, Rosa talks Debbie off the ledge when she has a heart-to-heart with her about unsupportive families. Rapport is built, Debbie is disarmed, and Nucci shows up just in time to get arrested by the Nine-Nine.
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In the end, Holt will need to find a new partner as Debbie will be serving out her ten years – and viewers were left with an episode that was all about Bayer – who took what could've been an over-the-top
Important Life Lessons:
● If you must steal cocaine and machine guns, do not do it from a precinct's evidence room. Excellent chance you will get caught.
● If you gotta dump out, use the ladies bathroom.
● Once again, slow-n-steady wins the race.