Posted in: DC Universe, TV | Tagged: Citizen Cold, Crisis On Earth X, cw, entertainment, HRL, Leonard Snart, television, wentworth miller
Crisis On Earth-X: Who Is This Version Of Leonard Snart?
Tonight kicks off the Arrowverse crossover event, Crisis on Earth-X, and we'll get to meet a new version of Leonard Snart (Wentworth Miller). Snart was Captain Cold on Earth-1, a meticulous criminal who steals an ice gun made by Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes) and eventually teams with Mick Rory (Dominic Purcell). Then Captain Cold and Heat Wave were recruited to be part of the Legends of Tomorrow, where Snart sacrificed himself to save the team. He's returned twice since, pulled from different points in his own time line, once to help Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) and the other time to be part of the Legion of Doom.
The Earth-X version of Snart goes by the moniker Citizen Cold — an interesting name choice when you look at the comic history. The name was first used by Snart in the alternate timeline created by Flashpoint. In that line, Snart is the main hero of Central City, even getting his own museum. He takes on the Rogues — except he doesn't hesitate to kill criminals. Cyborg tries to recruit him to help take on Aquaman and Wonder Woman, but he passes when Batman refuses to join. He has a confrontation with Wally West, who discovers Snart's real identity as an ex-criminal. He Freezes Wally in a block of ice before he can tell anyone else.
The Rogues kidnap Lisa Snart as revenge against Citizen Cold and she dies before he can rescue her. Cold goes after the Rogues and kills them all. When he returns home, he is confronted by Iris West and Pied Piper for what Snart had done to Wally. Cold tries to kill Piper, but Iris freezes him in a block of ice, killing him. The character was created by Geoff Johns and Andy Kubert in Flashpoint Vol 2 #1.
I doubt there will be too much time to dig deep into the past of this version of Snart, as they are also introducing The Ray (Russell Tovey), another version of Winn Schott (Jeremy Jordan), and all of the villains. But I'd guess we'll get some references to him having a museum, being the hero of Central City and maybe even dating Iris on his Earth.
Crisis on Earth-X crossover event starts tonight at 8 p.m. ET on Supergirl followed at 9 p.m. ET with Arrow.