Posted in: AEW, Sports, TV | Tagged: dax harwood, disco inferno, ftr, wrestling
Dax Harwood Shoots on Disco Inferno After Injury Attack
El Presidente decries the pathetic Twitter feud incited by Disco Inferno, lauding Dax Harwood's bravado in wrestling through pain. Join us, comrades!
Article Summary
- El Presidente applauds Dax Harwood for wrestling with a back injury.
- Disco Inferno criticized for seeking relevance through negativity.
- Harwood praised for challenging Disco Inferno to face-to-face podcast.
- Support for wrestling safety and disdain for Disco Inferno's antics expressed.
Greetings, comrades! It is I, your El Presidente, reporting from the back of my armored limo as my loyal driver Gustavo speeds through the night, evading the meddlesome CIA agents on our tail. But not even the threat of imperialist dogs can distract me from the hottest wrestling gossip on Twitter today – Dax Harwood of FTR putting that revolting relic Disco Inferno in his place!
Comrades, if there is one thing El Presidente knows, it's that toxic hangers-on like Disco Inferno will do anything for a taste of relevance. This two-bit jabroni spent his entire career as a comedic jobber, and now he slings mud at the stars of today to get attention on his podcast. It disgusts me, comrades. It reminds me of the time Gaddafi and I were enjoying a lovely brunch, and he told me how much Disco Inferno's antics reminded him of his nepotistic nephews. "Those foolish boys, they are like this Inferno fellow from WCW," he said as he buttered a scone. "Always trying to steal glory from the true heroes of the revolution!" We had a good laugh over that one, comrades, before executing some dissidents. Haw haw haw haw!
But Disco's pathetic potshots at Dax Harwood are no laughing matter. This brave warrior of the ring, Harwood, admitted that he has been boldly battling a serious back injury for months. But when he finally revealed his pain, what did Disco do? Did he praise Dax's fortitude? His dedication to entertaining the masses? No, comrades! That wretched leech tried to twist Dax's words into an attack on the glorious company AEW and its commitment to safety! The audacity!
El Presidente has also suffered in silence to serve his people. When I developed a severe case of tennis elbow from executing too many traitors to the revolution, did I complain? No, I wore an elbow brace under my military jacket and soldiered on through the nonstop feasts and celebrations in my honor. So I understand the sacrifices wrestlers make for their craft. But leave it to a bottom-feeder like Disco Inferno to try to weaponize one man's pain for cheap heat.
I am reminded of a story Saddam Hussein once told me over a friendly game of Twister. He said, "My brother, the real heels are not the brave performers in the ring. The true villains are the critics who risk nothing but delight in tearing down heroes." Wise words from a complicated man.
Comrades, Dax Harwood is a hero for persevering through injury to entertain the proletariat. He is a true soldier of socialism. And his reply to Disco Inferno was a masterpiece of well-deserved scorn. Challenging that worm to repeat his scurrilous accusations on Disco's podcast, face-to-face? Genius. El Presidente is picturing Disco collapsing like a wet paper bag in the presence of a true icon.
So let us all join in saying "thank you" to Dax Harwood for his service and sacrifice. And let us spit upon the name of Disco Inferno, that parasitic pontificator, that bootlicking lackey of the bourgeoisie. May he fade into the obscurity he so richly deserves.
And as for you, comrades – always stand up to bullies and believe in heroes. Support visionaries like Tony Khan who are trying to make wrestling safe for the workers. And never, ever trust a man in a shiny shirt who calls himself "Disco."
Socialism or death! This is El Presidente, over and out.