Posted in: DC Universe, TV | Tagged: barry allen, Crisis On Earth X, cw, entertainment, Eobard Thawne, flash, television
Flash Season 4, Episode 8 Recap: Crisis On Earth-X Part 3
This article contains spoilers for the Flash season four episode – Crisis on Earth-X Part 3.
The third part of the Crisis on Earth-X storyline kicked off on the Flash and the action split between Earth-X and Earth-1. Alex, Sara, Oliver, Jax, Stein and Barry had been sent over to be executed by the Sturmbannführer, the Eart-X version of Quentin Lance and possible my new password for everything. On our Earth, Kara is baking under a red sun so Eobard Thawne can weaken her enough to cut out her heart and put it in Overgirl. Cisco, Caitlin, Mick, Harry, Rene, Curtis and Dinah are all trapped in the pipeline leaving only Felicity and Iris free to save the day. The Sturmbannführer takes the heroes and one extra prisoner for no reason other than he was standing close by… and takes them over near a pit to shoot. That's whey Leo shows up… this Earth's Citizen Cold, who stops the Nazis, frees his boyfriend, the extra prisoner who also happens to be The Ray… and helps the heroes escape to their base… the Bunker in Star City (it helped save on the budget, so go with it.) There we find out that this Ray is actually from Earth-1, but not why he was on Earth-X now… and the resistance is lead by General Schott.
On Earth-1, Felicity and Iris overhear the plan to swap hearts and decide to try and free Cisco, except they can't get the door to the pipeline to open… so they send a message to the other members of the Legends and then try to rescue Supergirl on their own. Which doesn't go very well and but delays things long enough that when Thawne is about to cut Supergirl open this time, he is stopped by the Atom in what may be Ray Palmer's single best action scene yet. He takes out Thawne and Dark Arrow and saves Kara… and even uses partial growth power to turn his hand huge and smash a Nazi soldier against a wall. The rest of the Legends work on freeing the others from the pipeline.
Back on Earth-X, they convince General Schott to allow them to try and go through the portal before he destroys it. Oliver poses as the Furhrer and walks in, planing on turning off the metahuman dampeners, but has to approve sending a Nazi version of the Waverider through to Earth-1. the Sturmbannführer figures out what is going on and Oliver has to kick a bunch of Nazi butt before getting things set for the others to come in. They race for the platform and fight an army of Nazis while Schott decided not to wait and launched their secret weapon… Red Tornado. Flash and the Ray head to slow down Tornado while Oliver, Leo, Alex, Sara and Firestorm try to clear the way. Firestorm separates to work the portal and Professor Stein gets shot, but gets the portal open. The merge back so they can get him back through to Earth-1 and to Gideon.
And on Earth-1, Team Arrow and the Legends are fighting Metallo. Dark Arrow, Dark Flash and Overgirl retreat to the Nazi Waverider, with the help of The Ray and the others, they take out Metallo and they rush to their own Waverider to get Stein help.
This was a lot of action in this episode, there were some good moments like Alex and Sara talking, the relationship between Ray and Leo and the Legends looking like heroes. The tend to come off a bit more bumbling normally. One part left and so much still going on.