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Hawkeye: Maya Lopez & Kazi Receive Character Key Art High Honor

In last week's episode of Marvel Studios and Disney+'s Jeremy Renner (Clint Barton) & Hailee Steinfeld (Kate Bishop)-starring Hawkeye, Clint & Kate found themselves the "captive audience" of The Tracksuit Mafia's (Fra Fee, Aleks Paunovic & Piotr Adamczyk) big boss Maya Lopez aka Echo (Alaqua Cox), a deaf Native American who is capable of perfectly copying another person's movements, making her a formidable fighter and a major threat to our arrow-slinging duo. Along with being yet another clue in the possible connection with those Charlie Cox (Matt Murdock)- Vincent D'OnofrioDaredevil rumors, Lopez is looking for answers as to who killed her father. Of course, we know who that was so that's what things are getting more and more dangerously awkward for our arrow-slinging duo. For Lopez and Fee's Kazimierz "Kazi" Kazimierczak, that means they're getting treated to this week's character profile key art high honor

Hawkeye – Image: Marvel Studios
Hawkeye – Image: Marvel Studios

Now for those of you familiar with the comics, you know that Lopez is the adopted daughter and protege of Wilson Fisk so just having the character in the series was enough to start the rumors rumbling a few months back. Those rumors got a whole lot louder last week with a number of references that either suggested that the Kingpin was on the way or was the start of one of the finest in-show trolling we've ever seen. In one flashback scene, we see a young Maya meeting with a large man who wasn't fully shown (and filmed wonderfully to denote just how much of a "big man" he was) and went by the title "Uncle." We also have Clint referencing that there was "someone above Maya" and that it was "someone you don't wanna mess with." And with Clint's Ronin past and its connection with Maya's backstory explained, that "Fat Man Auto Repair" takes on a whole new meaning.

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Ray FlookAbout Ray Flook

Serving as Television Editor since 2018, Ray began five years earlier as a contributing writer/photographer before being brought onto the core BC team in 2017.
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