Posted in: HBO, Opinion, TV, TV, YouTube | Tagged: Bill Maher, chris rock, HBO, opinion, will smith
If There's Truly A "War on Jokes" Then Bill Maher Is A "War Profiteer"
So this time around, we've been put into the annoying position of having to separate the message from the messenger. And since this is HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher & self-appointed "prophet" Bill Maher. Okay, let's get the "message" part out of the way so there's no confusion. As far as I'm concerned, when it comes to comedy nothing should be off-limits- even if the targets make us moan & squirm along with the laughter. That's the price you pay if you want to claim to have "freedom of speech," and yet it seems like if you touch upon God, guns, or things that make people feel bad then there's a rush to want to shut you down- right and left. Two big problems with that. First, I don't want any of you dictating to me what is or isn't funny any more than you want me doing the same. And second… well… you know I love all of you, right? Like that "hot chocolate with the tiny marshmallows" kinda love. So don't take it personally when I say that my second (and biggest) issue is that most of you are hypocrites. Sorry, but it's true. Because as much as you want to clutch your pearls and start grabbing for your fans, take a second and think about the shit you've joked about with your friends. Or things you DM's back and forth, and had a good laugh over. Or even posts you like. I have a strange feeling there would be some interesting receipts floating around out there. But then again, it's different when "we" do it… right?
But then there's Maher, who is possibly one of the worst messengers to be carrying this message. During his weekly break from sitting on his porch and shaking his fist at the clouds, Maher took some time out from his show to address how the Will Smith–Chris Rock incident at the Oscars was a microcosm of a bigger problem going on in society when it comes to comedy. "Comedians have been under attack for some time. So I must defend my tribe. This war on jokes must end," Maher said (and you know that in his mind at that moment he saw himself on a mighty steed with Fabio-like hair flowing ready to tilt at the meanest looking windmill around. Or leading the Avengers. Actually we're going with the latter. Forget that first part.).
I'm not going to repeat my arguments shooting down Maher's paper-mache points because we're gone down that road before- especially how a comedian who blames the audience for them no longer being found funny is just sadly egotistical & privileged. And if you're feeling particularly masochistic, you can check out Maher's verbal manifesto below because it reaches condescending at the 30-second mark… and it's a nine-minute clip. But there is a ten-ton reminder that needs to be put on the table about a guy who uses phrases like "war on jokes" because if that's the case? Then Maher… like Joe Rogan and Dave Chappelle… is one of the biggest "war profiteers" out there. Because while Maher is trying to be the poster child for "anti-cancel culture" and "free speech," he does it under the guise that his ability to share his thought is somehow being suppressed.
Now you must be thinking, "Holy shit, Ray! How far out into international waters does Maher need to go in order to broadcast his 'pirate radio show' and be safe from The Man?!" and that's understandable. But Maher's having his say every Friday night during the show's season on a little up-and-coming cable network known as HBO, owned by that little mom-n-pop we now call Warner Bros. Discovery. This would be the same HBO that extended Maher's contract to host Real Time for two more seasons, taking him through 2024. And while exact figures are never actually known publically, it's safe to say he's making more than $15/hour. "But Ray, is one hour a week on the top premium cable company that's owned by a now ultra-mega-media corporation really a fair deal?" If only that were the case! Because on April 15, Maher gets even more time to oppressed when his stand-up special #Adulting premieres. Shit, if Maher isn't careful he might just find himself "canceled" into yet another tax bracket. No one's begrudging Maher his right to make mint but maybe he needs to stop acting like he's some kind of victim.
And one last thing for Maher to consider? Sure, George Carlin might have something to say about modern college students and their shifting tastes in humor. But I'm also sure the late, great comedian would have something to say about comedians who think they're more than comedians just because they have followers. Like when Maher gave an interview where at one point he called out the government for engaging in COVID misinformation… and then did it himself. And don't get me started on how Carlin would feel about older generations criticizing young generations after the old folks spent their entire lives preparing a steamy shit sandwich for the young folks to have to bit, chew & swallow. So let's have an open and honest discussion about free speech and what it takes to truly maintain it. But Maher has never been nor will ever be the one to lead it.