Posted in: DC Universe, TV | Tagged: Crisis On Earth X, cw, entertainment, firestorm, Legends of Tomorrow, Martin Stein, television, victor garber
Legends of Tomorrow Season 3, Episode 8 Recap: Crisis on Earth-X Part 4
This article contains spoilers for the Legends of Tomorrow season three episode – Crisis on Earth-X Part 4.
As the fourth and final part of Crisis on Earth-X took place on DC's Legends of Tomorrow, I'm not sure anyone was prepared for just how emotional it was going to be. The heroes return to the Waverider and Firestorm heads right for sick bay, separating so Gideon can work on Stein. Except Jax is hurt too. Caitlin begins working with Gideon to try to help them. They split up for a bit, Barry and Iris getting to see each other firs the first time in a while. Kara and Alex as well. Leo meets Mick, which is a nice nod to the partnership between Heatwave and Captain Cold. Mr. Terrific meets The Ray, and after a few comments about each other's codenames, they work to find Overgirl who will not only die soon, but will explode like a big bomb when she does because of the radiation stored up in her heart.
But all of that gets put aside when Stein wakes up enough to realize what is going on. He is only alive because of his bond with Jax and the longer they stay connected, the great damage it will do to Jax, likely killing him. Stein is too weak to do what he needs to… and asks Jax to get him the vial that Gideon synthesized from the serum Cisco and Wells created. Jax doesn't want to do it, he doesn't want Gray to die. But Stein reminds him of their father/son bond and that he, like any father, is more than willing to sacrifice himself for his son. It is a heart-wrenching scene where Victor Garber says goodbye to the series. We see the others react to Stein's death and then we see Jax has left the ship and went to tell Clarissa and Lily what happened.
Galvanized by Stein's death, Oliver pulls the heroes together just as Dark Arrow reaches out, saying they will leave Earth-1 if the heroes turn over Supergirl. Oliver declines and we end up seeing an epic battle between good and evil, that may have a few too many hero pose moments, but overall it's good and everyone gets their time to shine. Barry fights Thawne to the point of defeating him, but can't bring himself to kill him… instead he lets Thawne go. Overgirl and Supergirl fight until she's about to explode, and wells tells Kara to take her "up… up and away…" (yes they really went there). Upon seeing his wife blow up, Dark Arrow is distracted for a moment then turns back to get an arrow in the heart. Where Barry couldn't kill, Oliver definitely could. The good Waverider destroys the bad one as the elemental girls… Zari, Vixen and Frost, go in and take out the shields. And the day was saved.
The wrap up starts with the funeral for Martin Stein, and again it causes some tears. Then Cisco opens a portal and the Ray returns to Earth-X, but for some reason Citizen Cold decides to stick around for a little while. Might have something to do with Mick as we learned that the Earth-X version of Mick died a hero. Alex and Kara say there goodbyes and return to Earth-38 leaving Barry, Oliver, Felicity and Iris in the park. They talk about getting married and Barry and Iris just want to find a Justice of the Peace and skip the big ceremony. He asks Oliver if he can do it, being mayor, but they're not in Star City. Felicity suggests someone they know who is ordained… and a second later we see Barry speed into the Bunker and swoop of with John Diggle. Suddenly back at the park, Diggle says, "at least I didn't throw up this time." And then proceeds to throw up. Dig, who got ordained to do his cousins wedding, agrees to do a quick ceremony on the spot. We hear Barry and Iris do their vows and the Felicity interrupts, saying she wants to marry Oliver right then. It turns into a double wedding and that is how the crossover ends with Barry Allen being married to Iris West and Oliver Queen being married to Felicity Smoak.
It was a crammed packed crossover event with a lot of emotional moments and a lot of plots moved forward. They stayed away from the big bad storylines in each show, but moved forward on the relationship stuff. Overall I think it was an excellent four hours and fun to watch. Lots of actions and a good mix of tragedy and humor.
But it also leaves a lot of questions. What was Overgirl doing to get so supercharged like that and could that happen to Kara? When did Atom figure out how to grow only a part of himself? Is Jax going to stay as part of the Legends and is that it for Firestorm? Why did Citizen Cold stick around? How did The Ray end up on Earth-X in the first place? What did they do with all the Nazis after the fight? Can Oliver use the body of his Earth-X counterpart to get out of trouble with the FBI? Was the caterer related to Barry and Iris and is she part of the Legion of Super-Heroes? How was that Eobard Thawne from Earth-1? And why did Barry let him go? Seems like there had to be an option between killing him and freedom. If Dark Arrow and Overgirl are dead, then the Freedom Fighters: The Ray trailer we saw had to take place prior to the crossover… when will we see the series?
Next week is the mid-season finale for each of the shows and we should have trailers for each series shortly.