Posted in: Sports, TV, WWE | Tagged: NXT, recaps, wrestling, wwe
NXT Recap: Cameron Grimes Returns, and He's Filthy Rich!
Howdy, folks. The Chadster here, ready to recap my favorite show and hopefully yours. If NXT isn't your favorite show, you might as well just stop reading now. This is a column for true fans only.
WWE NXT Recap – February 10th, 2021
Boy oh boy, NXT is getting right to the action! Best episode ever!
Legado del Fantasma vs. MSK – Dusty Rhodes Classic
MSK and Legadel del Fantasma face off if in this semi-final match in the Dusty Rhodes Classic. This is the kind of opening match that really shows what NXT is all about. Great action, Multiple commercial breaks. But how many people aren't even giving NXT a chance tonight because of that stupid NJPW crossover AEW is doing over on Dynamite? It's so unfair that all of WWE's rivals are ganging up on them like this. It makes the Chadster so dang mad. So dang mad he missed most of this match! Aw, come on! MSK wins what looks like it must have been a really hard-fought victory.
Winners: MSK
The Chadster's Rating: ****3/4
The Chadster is sorry, Every week, The Chadster tries his best to stay focused and recap the events of NXT. And every week, it seems like there's always something to distract The Chadster. Well, The Chadster says no more. From now on, no distractions. Nothing but match recaps, completely straightforward, from here on out.
Promo for Mercedes Martinez.
Xia Li vs. Cora Jade
Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh! What's that?! Oh, sorry. The Chadster was absolutely terrified by Xia Li's mysterious master, Mei Ling. Man, WWE is really good at everything. Xia Li performs a martial arts demonstration with a sword and then climbs in the ring for a match with Cora Jade. Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter show up at ringside to express concern for Li, but Li doesn't want to hear it. She easily beats Cora Jade.
Winner: Xia Li
The Chadster's Rating: ****1/4
Carter files a complaint with Xia's manager, Mei Ying, who ignores her until Xia tosses Carter off the ramp. Mei Ying makes Li destroy Catanzaro too by threatening to choke out Boa.
Hey… The Chadster did it! The Chadster recapped an entire match without getting riled up about something and missing the entire match! The Chadster knew he could do it!
William Regal steps into his office to find Scarlett waiting for him. She wants a match for Karrion Kross with Santos Escobar. Regal agrees.
Promo: Johnny Gargano
The Way comes out. Johnny Gargano is in a wheelchair. He recounts KUSHIDA attacking him last week. He claims his arm is broken and of course he can't compete at NXT Takeover Vengeance Day on Sunday, where he was supposed to defend the North American Championship against KUSHIDA. Gargano calls on William Regal to suspend KUSHIDA.
William Regal interrupts and says Gargano is lying, his arm isn't broken, and he's cleared to wrestle. Gargano denies it. He shows an x-ray on the screen, but it's an obvious fake. Regal gets so mad he calls Gargano "Sunshine" and says that if Gargano is really injured, then Theory can defend the title for him when he faces KUSHIDA tonight. The other option is Gargano can forfeit. Gargano begs for a few weeks to prepare.
As he's begging, KUSHIDA sneaks up behind The Way. Regal sets it up and KUSHIDA takes out Theory. Then get grabs the North American Championship, which tricks Gargano into grabbing it back, proving his arm isn't broken.
Shotzi Blackheart and Ember Moon vs. Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell
Shotzi Blackheart and Ember Moon come out and face LeRae and Hartwell. This is another match that epitomizes what NXT is all about. But over on AEW Dynamite, I hear they're cheating by showing interesting storylines. Darby Allin getting dragged behind a car. Sammy Guevara quitting the Inner Circle. Come on! Don't you know NXT has a Takeover this weekend? Why can't AEW give us a break?! Oh no, The Chadster got overconfident and blew his streak! Dang it! Well, Blackheart pins Hartwell when Hartwell jumps in the line of fire of a Senton to save Candice LeRae.
Winners: Shotzi Blackheart and Ember Moon
The Chadster's Rating: ****3/4
Now we know what the final will be at Vengeance Day. Raquel Gonzalez and Dakota Kai come out to remind us. William Regal says the winner of that match will get a shot at the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships.
Timothy Thatcher and Tommaso Ciampa cut a promo about their match tonight.
Santos Escobar dispatches Wilde and Mendoza to take out Karrion Kross. The Chadster doesn't think that's likely to go very well.
Austin Theory vs. KUSHIDA
Time for Austin Theory to take on KUSHIDA. With KUSHIDA's opponent at Takeover, Johnny Gargano, at ringside, KUSHIDA is at a disadvantage. You know, The Chadster keeps seeing WWE Vengenace Day pitched as an "alternative" to Valentine's Day. But The Chadster asked his beautiful wife, Keighleyanne, if she'd be interested in spending Vengeance Day with The Chadster instead of Valentine's Day, and she scoffed at me. So The Chadster will just have to spend Vengeance Day without her. And that's 100% The Chadster's decision. KUSHIDA wins this match by disqualification when Gargano attacks him.
The Chadster's Rating: ****1/2
Gargano attacks after the match, but Dexter Lumis shows up from underneath the ring and it ends with KUSHIDA holding Gargano in the Hoverboard Lock and Lumis holding Theory in Silence.
Wilde and Mendoza have been murdered backstage. Karrion Kross says he's coming for Escobar next.
Cameron Grimes arrives in a Lamborgini. He's dressed in an expensive suit (but still topless) and he's got a bunch of money. He's got a new gimmick: while he was out, he invested in GameStop and got rich. The he invested in "dog coin" and got even richer. He trash talks Elon Musk, which isn't very polite. The Chadster poured all his money into WWE when they announced Peacock deal and then the stock ended up falling. But The Chadster still has the sweetest car around: a Mazda Miata. Grimes tells William Regal, an authority figure, to kiss his grits. The Chadster would never say that to an authority figure. Grimes rolls around in a pile of money.
McKenzie Mitchell interviews Johnny Gargano, who is really mad at KUSHIDA. He says he'll beat him at Vengeance Day.
Timothy Thatcher and Tommaso Ciampa vs. Grizzled Young Veterans
This is the height of wrestling drama. It's everything wrestling should be. A semi-final match between two tough guy tag teams. Everyone has beards! Unfortunately, as The Chadster is watching this right now, over on AEW, they're having a hardcore match between Kenny Omega and NJPW's KENTA against Jon Moxley and Lance Archer. No wonder Dynamite wins in the ratings each week. It's pure cheating. You can't have a match that exciting on regular television, just on a random week. There needs to be a commission on wrestling to prevent this kind of thing from happening. No one should be allowed to put on a more interesting show than WWE. WWE are the biggest company around. Dang it, AEW got The Chadster so riled again he missed the main event of NXT. Dang it dang it dang it!
Winners: Grizzled Young Veterans
The Chadster's Rating: ****3/4
So Grizzled Young Vets will face MSK at Vengeance Day. All of the competitors on the card are shown around the Capital Wrestling Center as NXT comes to an end.
Once again, NXT tops the previous week to produce the best episode ever. This has to be the greatest streak in the history of television ratings. This Sunday is Vengeance Day, and The Chadster will definitely be on the live coverage team, so see you then!