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Proof: FOX Adapting Alex Grecian, Riley Rossmo Image Comics Series

FOX is reportedly developing a live-action series based on writer Alex Grecian & artist Riley Rossmo's Image Comics comic book series Proof.

The network home of The X-Files is getting back into the supernatural crime-fighting business, with Deadline Hollywood reporting exclusively that FOX is developing a series based on writer Alex Grecian and artist Riley Rossmo's Image Comics comic book series Proof – which ran for 28 issues (from 2007 to 2010). Cory Goodman and Jeremy Lott are set to adapt the series, with Fox Entertainment Studios, Westbrook Studios, and Aperture Entertainment producing.

Image: Image Comics; FOX TV

Based on the description provided, the series will spotlight two very unlikely partners – and heroes: disgruntled FBI Agent-in-Training Ginger Rodriguez and John "Proof" Prufrock, a jazz-loving Bigfoot. Yup, you read that correctly. Their mission? To protect the world from Cryptids – obscure creatures whose existence has not been officially proven. If you're thinking that there might be some tension between the two in the beginning, only for it to blossom into a trusted partnership, a devoted friendship – and a possible romance – then you've come to the right place. Pretty impressive when you consider all of that is going on as they continue to save the world from things we're better off not knowing about.

"Mostly, I find Proof to be enjoyable company. He's the sort of guy I'd sit down with and we'd discuss literature over a good brandy. He's a gentleman. In that sense, he's much, much cooler than I'll ever be, and it's fun to write someone who's an idealized version of some aspects of my own self that I wish were more refined," Grecian shared about the character during an interview from 2010. Goodman and Lott will write the one-hour drama, and Fox Entertainment Studios, Westbrook Studios' Terence Carter and David Boorstein, and Aperture Entertainment's Adam Goldworm will serve as executive producers. Grecian will also serve as a producer on the project. Aperture Entertainment optioned the graphic novel and developed the series before reaching out to Westbrook Studios to co-produce.

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Ray FlookAbout Ray Flook

Serving as Television Editor since 2018, Ray began five years earlier as a contributing writer/photographer before being brought onto the core BC team in 2017.
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