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'Steven Universe: Diamond Days': Steven and the Crystal Gems Meet White Diamond (TRAILER)

steven universe diamonddays trailer

Steven Universe is taking to the space-ways with Diamond Days, a new five episode story arc starting on December 17th! Here's an extended look at what Steven and the Crystal Gems will be facing off against on Homeworld:

The last episode of Steven Universe, 'Legs From Here to Homeworld' didn't actually air on Cartoon Network, instead being shared at San Diego Comic Con and then streaming from the Cartoon Network app. Since the first episode of the new run will be "Legs From Here to Homeworld," there's technically only four new episodes to the new mini season. Steven Universe: Diamond Days will also feature five new songs, as well as some snazzy new armor for Steven! (sure, it's Pink Diamond's armor, but it's still snazzy as all get out on the kid!)

All the adventure kicks off on December 17th on Cartoon Network, with the finale for the short series airing on January 21, 2019!

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Leigh KadeAbout Leigh Kade

Leigh George Kade is a writer, illustrator, and sculptor who lives in Salt Lake City with his wife and two small Skrulls. Leigh has also been a panelist on the wildly popular Geek Show Podcast since 2008. He has been an Entertainment Writer for Bleeding Cool since 2018.
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