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The Daily Show: Jon Stewart Accepts Elon Musk's Interview Condition

The Daily Show host Jon Stewart agreed to Elon Musk's condition that his interview run unedited and offered him as much time as he wanted.

If you had a chance to check it out last week (and we have the segment available for you to check out above), then you know that Comedy Central's The Daily Show host Jon Stewart didn't hold back when he called out Elon Musk, Musk's team of "DOGE-bags," and Donald Trump for using their power to enrich the wealthy and powerful at the expense of everyday citizens. It isn't that the federal government doesn't need a top-to-bottom audit, but Stewart made the point that DOGE should be focusing on the dealings that the U.S. Government has with corporations and banks – the fact that it doesn't further proves Musk and Trump are using DOGE as a ruse to make a whole lot of very rich people even more rich – at the expense of the very people who got suckered into voting for Trump.

The Daily Show
Image: Comedy Central Screencap

Well, it didn't take long for someone to put it out there that Musk should go on The Daily Show to offer his side when it comes to the damage that DOGE has been doing. Musk replied that he would be happy to – just as long as the entire interview aired unedited. It didn't take long for Comedy Central's award-winning late-night news/satire program to call Musk's bluff, letting him know that "we'd be delighted" to air the interview unedited.

That brings us to tonight – and with it being Monday, that means Stewart is back behind the anchor's desk… and with a message for Musk. After recapping last week, Stewart discussed Musk's offer before reminding him of how the interviews run on the show before making it clear that, "We'd be delighted.' In fact, Stewart offers Musk anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours (joking that Comedy Central doesn't produce any other programming anyway). From there, Stewart called out Musk for accusing Stewart of being a propagandist and not being bipartisan, reminding the Twitter owner that he created his own black MAGA hat and spent hundreds of millions of dollars to get Trump elected, so Musk wasn't in any position to lecture anyone – let alone Stewart – on truth or bipartisanship.

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Ray FlookAbout Ray Flook

Serving as Television Editor since 2018, Ray began five years earlier as a contributing writer/photographer before being brought onto the core BC team in 2017.
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