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"Westworld" Season 3 Takes Us Behind the Scenes of Warworld [VIDEO]
What did you think about this past week's second episode of Westworld season 3? If your response is, "I haven't seen it," then you probably want to go watch it or read my review on it before proceeding.
Now, if you happened to stick around after the episode, you would've noticed a lot of clips and interviews from behind-the-scenes, but there's still some new and exciting things to learn about the worlds of Westworld – as you're about to see in the following look into the making of "Warworld."
One thing I love about this show is the attention to detail, and say what you will about Warworld (we all know I hate it, thanks), but everyone behind and in front of the camera did an amazing job crafting it and bringing it to life. It's absolutely gorgeous – and a lot of that is their amazing historic locations in Spain.
Now, speaking of Warworld – I did think it was all a simulation built to trick Maeve into revealing info about the valley beyond and where she trapped the data taken from the park, but according to a couple comments in the video as well as (the official "Delos Parks" site – really a slick HBO marketing page that gives us clues to the show), it's a real park and fills in the blank for park 3.
The description for the Warworld park on the site is:
War is a mystery wrapped in an enigma that only a true spymaster can solve. A challenge for the guest who prefers mind over matter, this WWII epic plunges you into a dangerous maze of tradecraft and seduction from which few escape. Dare to undertake this harrowing journey of risk and romance, and get the chance to defeat history's ultimate villains: the Nazis.
From this, it sounds like guests aren't given the ultra-violent option of the other parks, which is a relief. Who chooses to immerse themselves in a time period famous for genocide, torture, mistreatment of millions, and senseless slaughter? Nazis and scum, that's who. Luckily it appears (for now) that this is not the direction the season is going, nor is that the goal of the park.
It's not really surprising that Westworld has made it a point of showing how violence in the parks is problematic (guest on host violence, specifically); they also mention that the parks are like a video game or being immersed in a movie as opposed to the real historic time, with things being caricatures of reality.
Similar eyebrows raised last season with the reveal of Shogunworld – assuming Delos' clientele for Shogunworld is the same as Westworld (pretty mostly Caucasian), why go to a park populated with Japanese hosts for the sole purpose to unleash more violence than you can in Westworld? Racism, that's why.
Now, ranting aside – the show has been very careful to avoid anything like that onscreen, mostly by not showing guests in these parks. But to that end, if the other parks are anything like Westworld, the guests are pompous spoiled rich people with an entitlement complex and likely also hold some pretty awful core beliefs, and that only makes me want to see Delos in flames even more for catering to them.
Delores (Evan Rachel Wood) has it right: humanity is terrible, bring on the robot revolution.
All in all, expertly done, HBO. Even the little things have layers upon layers upon layers – stuff that never even makes it into the show is still there, a mystery waiting to be unraveled giving added dimension to the story we do see.