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X-Men '97: Beau DeMayo Scores Series by "10 Basic X-Men Plots" List

X-Men '97's Beau DeMayo scored the animated series on a "10 Basic X-Men Plots" list which made for a really bad day for Scott Summers.

While it goes without saying that the first season of Marvel Studios' X-Men '97 was a huge hit with critics and viewers in its own right, what really helped the weekly experience was how the cast and creative team kept the party going on social media between episodes. Series creator, writer & executive producer Beau DeMayo's name would definitely be at the top of that list, with his "homework assignment" enriching the experience. But now that the series has wrapped up its run (for now), DeMayo is sharing something he found that was on his computer since last summer. It's a screencap of a listing that has some fun with Marvel's mutants – "Ultimately, There Are 10 Basic X-Men Plots." It's a great rundown because it's equal parts true and funny – so much so that DeMayo assigned episode numbers to each of the plot points that the animated series hit. For example, "Professor Xavier turns out to have done a Bad Thing" was hit on in Episodes 106 and 110. We also have "Everything connects back to Wolverine" in Episode 109 and "Storm wrestles with her leadership position in Episodes 102, 104 & 106. But the best part is the overarching theme to it all – everyone is out to f**k up Scott Summers's day – with "Bigots ruin Scott Summers's day" scoring big with Episodes 101, 102, 103, 105, and 107-110.

x-men '97
Cyclops (voiced by Ray Chase) in Marvel Animation's X-MEN '97. Photo courtesy of Marvel Animation. © 2024 MARVEL.

Here's a look at how DeMayo mapped out the X-Men '97 storyline scoreboard – followed by a look ahead to the show's future:

X-Men '97: Beau DeMayo, Brad Winderbaum on Animated Series' Future

Heading into this past weekend, series creator, writer & executive producer Beau DeMayo clarified what his level of involvement will be with the second season of X-Men '97. "I did write a lot of season 2. However, unlike Season 1, I will not be heavily involved or leading production, cast records, design, editorial, post, music, etc., nor doing any production rewrites as it relates to the creative vision of the show," DeMayo wrote in response to a tweet/x asking for an update (which you can check out below). "This is why I've said I can't really speak to Season 2. But, looking forward to seeing the final product with you all whenever it airs. I have high hopes." Shortly after, Brad Winderbaum, head of animation, would offer some additional details to EW during a profile interview focused on the season finale.

Though the article confirmed that DeMayo will not be returning, Winderbaum noted, "We are honoring Beau's ideas for the second season" while also confirming that the show "will have a new head writer for season 3." With that said, Winderbaum believes that having episodic directors Emi Yonemura and Chase Conley returning can help maintain quality & consistency. "So much of the visual storytelling of this show comes from him and our amazing directing team. So it does feel like there's a consistent voice. The mantra is the same, the goals are the same, and the source material is the same. As long as that's our guiding principle, that we're honoring the comics and the original show, that's the core to the creative pursuit," Winderbaum added – noting that Castorena is "an amazing architect in his own right."

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Ray FlookAbout Ray Flook

Serving as Television Editor since 2018, Ray began five years earlier as a contributing writer/photographer before being brought onto the core BC team in 2017.
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