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Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Not Set for November (UPDATE)

Report: Jeff Trammell's Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man hits Disney+ this November, Charlie Cox & Vincent D'Onofrio aboard, and more.

UPDATE: Bleeding Cool was contacted by the originator of the report, clarifying that no premiere date has been set and that Marvel Studios has not released a premiere date. The information has been edited out of the report below:

With adult animation grabbing some great headlines for Marvel Studios after the first season of Disney+'s X-Men '97, it looks like there's some good news to pass along regarding another eagerly-anticipated animated series – Jeff Trammell's Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (previously "Spider-Man: Freshman Year"). Earlier today, ScreenRant reported that composers Zach Robinson and Leo Birenberg (Cobra Kai) had been tapped to provide a musical score for the animated series. "We are beyond stoked to be a part of this standout entry in the MCU. Jeff Trammell, Mel Zwyer, and the rest of the team at Marvel could not have been better collaborators, and we are beyond grateful to them for letting us go absolutely wild on this score," the duo shared in a statement. In addition, the report has Charlie Cox and Vincent D'Onofrio on board to voice Matt Murdock/Daredevil and Kingpin from Daredevil: Born Again, respectively.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
Image: Marvel Studios Screencap

"I mean, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is amazing, to say the least. I think it's really going to surprise people. It is very much like a cut from that Steve Ditko era of the comics," Brad Winderbaum, Marvel's Head of Animation, shared during an interview from May of this year. "It's Peter Parker back in high school just trying to make it work, take care of his aunt, completely broke, and having to be a superhero. It's so essentially Spider-Man, and what Jeff Trammell, the creator of that show, did, which I think people are going to love, is he built this ensemble of characters around Peter that you fall in love with. Similarly, just because it's long-form storytelling, as those relationships brew when the stakes rise in that first season, things feel really tragic and dangerous and pretty incredible. So, I love that show."

Back in November 2021, we learned about the series during Disney+ Day and were treated to early key art (with more news to come) – with Trammel tapped as head writer & executive producer. In addition, we learned that the series would take place in an alternate MCU timeline – with Norman Osborn meeting & mentoring Peter Parker instead of Tony Stark (like in the films). In addition, we learned that the animated series would include appearances from Doctor Strange, Harry & Norman Osborn, Amadeus Cho, Charlie Cox's Daredevil, Paul F. Tompkins' Bentley Wittman & Nico Minoru. Behind the scenes, the news dropped that Polygon Pictures (Knights of Sidonia, "Godzilla" anime film trilogy, BLAME!, Kaina of the Great Snow Sea) would be working with Marvel Studios to bring the project from the page to the small screen.

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Ray FlookAbout Ray Flook

Serving as Television Editor since 2018, Ray began five years earlier as a contributing writer/photographer before being brought onto the core BC team in 2017.
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